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Olav the Viking

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Posts posted by Olav the Viking

  1. How do you install it in XP? I have a NT4 disc.


    Go Here to download a Winfile MSI installer: http://www.brydon.net/winfile/default.asp

    He created the installer from the work this guy did: http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~davidsch/vistafm/

    The installer makes installation a breeze, but I found out after one install on XP that it was easier to get copy the entire subdirectory from one XP installation for new XP installations using the same new subdirectory he used (C:\Windows\System32\Winfile). The installer might be better if you are running Vista in order to insure that you get the access control; I only had one Vista machine to try the installer on, it worked fine, gave me Vista access control, and all I did after the install was change the icon since I like the Winfile Icon I made and have been using for the past 9 years. With Win 7, there are some issues with being able to change file permissions and take ownership, and that advantage (only) of the Win NT 4.0 File Manager does not function, but the guy who made the next package has a lot of writeup on how to conquer that.

    His Winfile package additionally has Winfile Add-Ons: http://www.mdgx.com/bin.htm#FM

    Microsoft File Manager (FM) 32-bit + FM Add-ons documentation: http://www.mdgx.com/files/fmnt32.php

    From the layout of his home site (http://www.mdgx.com/) it is obvious that he has spent a lot of time working with the Winfile package, adding larger dialog boxes and right-click menus. There are a few cosmetic issues, but after running his version on 2 machines for over 6 months, I can safely say that they are ONLY COSMETIC, and you will really appreciate his package.

    Note: Be sure to visit all of these sites listed and copy EVERYTHING that has been posted for archival and reading - this stuff is probably not going to stay around forever . . .

    I always add the Winfile Help and Glossary to all installations as well as start menu entries, but be aware that you will have to download the correct Microsoft add-ons to support winhlp32 in both Vista and Win 7, since Microsoft conveniently forgot that maybe a lot of programs might still need Winhlp32 support.

    If more people are interested in Winfile, more details, files or info, contact me through the forum. I can spend some more time on this post, but not today; I have a full plate.

  2. Malwarebytes Forum Post 13Dec2010.txt

    What is really unfortunate (SAD) among the progression of all of the Windows products, especially those released after XP, or after WFW 3.11 or NT 4.0 for that matter, is that never, ever, does Microsoft REALLY listen to users, before or after a product release, or more realistically, provide a poll to ask users questions like:

    1) How would you rate the following File Manager/Explorer interfaces (1-4, in order of preference)?

    a) Winfile (NT 4.0) [1)

    b) Windows XP (Windows Explorer) [2]

    c) Windows Vista (Windows Explorer) [3]

    d) Windows 7 (Windows Explorer) [4]

    Provide us with suggestions as to how we could improve the current Windows Explorer interface.

    2) Which mail program (provided with the operating system) would you rather use?

    a) Outlook Express [x]

    b) Windows Mail

    Provide us with suggestions as to how we could improve the current Windows Mail interface.

    3) Which internet browser is your preferred browser?

    a) Internet Explorer 6

    b) Internet Explorer 7 [x]

    c) Internet Explorer 8

    d) Mozilla Firefox

    e) Avant Browser

    f) Flock

    g) Google Chrome

    k) Konqueror

    m) Maxthon

    o) Opera

    s) Safari

    Provide us with suggestions as to how we could improve the current Internet Explorer interface.

    My choices noted above in brackets [ ].

    I firmly believe that after every new release, Microsoft takes the people who participated in that release and moves them up the ladder or off the corporate ladder all together and puts together an entirely new "team" for the next release who takes it upon themselves to attempt to reinvent the wheel with many things different just so they can say "we did it."

    Example in point - Winfile (NT 4.0). I STILL use this program as my preferred file manipulation program in XP, Vista and Windows 7. As an IT, I refuse to work on a system for anyone unless it is installed - period. If Microsoft had used the interface or merely kept the features that existed in Winfile (NT 4.0), which has long file name support, EASY security and access rights configuration, file confirmation warnings, etc., etc., and merely added the few improvements to it that they made with Windows Explorer (right click context menu; the ability to display tiles, thumbnails and icons, etc.), they would have had no complaints from anyone. I use both Winfile and Explorer, depending upon the circumstances, but in actuality, 90% +++ of the time it is Winfile since it keeps and maintains the last 2 (or more) Drive/Directory paths that the user had open when File Manager was last closed, rather than popping up a single window like Explorer does. The Winfile file confirmation feature prevents a file move operation from turning into an easter egg hunt if the user's finger slips off the mouse button and drops the file who-knows-where. File confirmation also prevents the unwanted copying of files just because you clicked on them too fast during the selection process.

    Enough said, or I'll be accused of "ranting." I personally will use XP until it is pried from my cold, dead fingers or the programs that I need to use no longer run on it. In reality, if anyone is happy with the operating system they now have, that is the criteria that they should intelligently use in making the decision "do I REALLY need to upgrade?"

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