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Posts posted by scooter

  1. Because of the problems that came up with IE 7, when I went to update and it would not update, (everything else I have did) I thought there may a problem with the whole program, so......I deleted it!

    Should I wait to download the program?

    Or should I download and wait for the fix on the update?

    Maybe next I will check the forums first before I do something so drastic......

    thank you


    Okey Dokey, I reinstalled, no restart needed, and it updated really good after I lowered my firewall down a notch.

    I am not sure how that happen, because the only thing I raised were the I E 7 settings. I never had a problem with down

    loading your update.

    I may have changed it during the IE thing....I get crazy when I see and hear about the bugs, viruses, trojans and jerks (I do have a lot of other words for those kind of people) trying to mess with my Computer

    But it works fine.

    I do thank you all of you that make this program possible!

    I do wish every one there a very happy and SAFE holiday!


  2. Because of the problems that came up with IE 7, when I went to update and it would not update, (everything else I have did) I thought there may a problem with the whole program, so......I deleted it!

    Should I wait to download the program?

    Or should I download and wait for the fix on the update?

    Maybe next I will check the forums first before I do something so drastic......

    thank you


  3. Although I am not new to computers, I am new to your site and your software.

    Before I registered, I read through hundreds of posts, and I must say

    I was really amazed about your forum and your software.

    I downloaded the software last Saturday, I think, and ran my first scan

    and it came back clean! Today I saw that was an update, so I updated my

    files and ran the scan AND......nothing, no problems!

    That makes me feel good and secure! And just maybe, I am doing

    things right while on the web.

    So, my heart-felt thanks goes to out to the people who have

    put this forum and software all together!


  4. I am brand new to your forum, and I had download the 1.26 I think on Saturday and today I downloaded the 1.27 (?) update.

    I ran a scan on Saturday and I am running one now. The first one turned up nothing.

    This software is highly praised! I have see it being recommened on other forums, that is how I heard about it.

    Well, keep up the excellent work!

    and thank you for news on the old updates!


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