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  1. Scratch that - steps 7, 8 and 9 won't install. I think I'm going to have to give up on MBAM for now.
  2. Step 7 -- KB4516065 will not install - Will work through the rest in the morning. Thank you so far.
  3. I did figure out how to get those through https links so am working through the updates now. This other thing I've already done once with no change
  4. I did the one for TLS, but then the rest is refusing to download as they are http links up until step 8. I'm guessing I should over ride but am unsure. My windows update program only had a security update available so I installed it.
  5. I meant clean as far as malware etc. I haven't run any cleaners as I've been a bit swamped. ATM I don't have an external that would handle a backup so may have to re-visit I guess. I do notice you haven't mentioned the fiber thing so I should assume you don't think that's a factor in the Network error?
  6. Does it need a certain port opened, or is there another setting on the fiber router that could be blocking?
  7. Same as before - it won't even attempt to open. I don't understand why this one won't but others will with no problem. They're all saying my system is clean (including an online one just for thoroughness), unless they're missing things
  8. I have a new one in process, but am unsure when it will be complete. For now, this is all I've got. Are you saying a fix may brick me? The only real change here lately is switching to fiber from a different company. Is there possibly a router setting that needs adjusted?
  9. SecurityCheck.txt I added all 4 text files those generated here FRST.txt Addition.txt FSS.txt
  10. Another bit of info that may affect this - I recently switched from cox cable to at&t fiber
  11. I have done that and attached was the zip file - will attach again. I forgot to mention it's a win 7 x 64 OS FRST_26-07-2024 14.59.03.txt.zip
  12. Malwarebytes won't open. I have tried the support tool and it goes through the whole process, then says something about network error and uninstalls the whole thing. FRST_26-07-2024 14.59.03.txt.zip
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