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  1. Since upgrading to the V3 version of MWB I can no longer access "show more history" and "content" but can still access "content control"/"import&export" when it shows the lock symbol next to them.
  2. Ran the computer on for 20 hours and didn't get an error at all, everything seems to be good now with WMP and MB updates. This topic seems solved you can go ahead and close the post whenever you wish, I'll create another post in the future if this issue ever returns. I appreciate both of you for being so efficient with responses and helping me solve the issue in a timely manner unlike other companies that take a while to deal with support forms. Be sure to have a great rest of your day/night whenever you read this and keep up the amazing work.
  3. The issue has yet to return but will give it one more day just to be safe before the post is good to be locked.
  4. I think the previous thing of having Malware and Pup protection disabled didn't give me any errors, with the new update should I re-enable Malware and Pup protection to see if it breaks again or keep it disabled?
  5. Just tested now after I noticed WMP and WB was broken, quitting Malwarebytes and opening it again did allow it to update and fixed wmp. Tomorrow I'll run the computer with Malware and Pup protection disabled to see if the issue returns and will notify you on the results.
  6. Sounds good. Just some extra information that might help find the cause, I was actively checking throughout the day to see when it breaks and it was working fine at 7:33pm GMT and as of now it's 7:50 GMT and it's broken. In task scheduler the only thing between these times that ran was MicrosoftEdgeUpdateTaskMachineUA. This information probably isn't helpful but I'll share it anyways.
  7. Yes I followed everything from your previous posts and clicked the clean button in the support tool.
  8. It seems like the issue has returned, I'll generate new logs now and maybe they can be compared to the earlier logs to find the issue or something?
  9. Malwarebytes is in a clean install state with the only thing I've changed is turning off scheduled scanning as we often do it manually every few days to be safe, I'll let you know if the issues return later on. And on the thing for changing the checking updates time is also because we manually checked for updates throughout the day and that's how we noticed the issues.
  10. mbst-grab-results.zipThese results are from after restarting the pc, maybe I should also send a copy tomorrow after everything has been open for a while?
  11. Hello, was there an update for Malwarebytes between 5:00pm - 9:30pm GMT 11/07/24? Somewhen during this time period Windows Media Player (the remote procedure call failed) and Malwarebytes update checks (one or more items did not complete) stopped working. Malwarebytes was showing up to date perfectly fine when the pc was first turned on and after starting up a few apps (Discord, Steam, Omen Gaming Hub, Chrome, Clicker Heros, Counter-Strike 2) the only different being that my son between 5:00pm - 9:30pm installed Rainbow Six Siege after that he noticed Windows Media Player and Malwarebytes update check was broken. Before sending this I shut down the pc, waited 10 seconds, turned it back on and it seemed to update fine with the only thing I could notice was Malwarebytes taking a few seconds to appear in the system tray behind nvidia gefore experience. This is the current version I'm on after updating below. I'm not sure if it's something running after a few hours that's messing it up but the pc works for around 8 hours before any issues are noticed. I'll get a copy of the logs like last time sent over right now and hopefully we can figure out the issue causing this to occur. If a resolve can't be found it doesn't seem like too much of an issue to restart the computer everytime a new update or when WMP breaks as long as Malwarebytes is updating correctly and his pc is safe.
  12. I think I've fixed the issue for now with malwarebytes updates and wmp. It was the power setting about fast start-up that turned it self back on, I turned it off again and shutdown the pc before turning it back on and it seemed to be working again. Sorry for the inconvenience of this post.
  13. Windows media player has also broken again with the error "The RPC server is unavailable".
  14. Hello again, the issue that was resolved yesterday has returned after my son shutdown his pc and turned it back on today. Should I do all the steps from before?
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