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  1. Connectwise responded to my case today "Unfortunately we had registered this as a known issue with id : Issue #SCP-38742 Win7 Embedded and Server 2008 64 bit show LoginUI error on shutdown and reboot (24.1.7) and the fix patch version for the known issue is :"
  2. Thanks for this, when i get control of the console of a machine Tuesday I will give it a shot. I think I figured out the install process though, let me know if you better this. Download rustup 64 bit https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install run, select option 2 hit Y, ignore visual studio requirement once done, dont restart open commandprompt put the following command in rustup default 1.75.0-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
  3. I work for a software company that has access to several customers still on Windows 7 and Server 2008. Every single one of these machines are doing this starting this past week. I found this thread on google. Only one customer has Malwarebytes. Seems like either an attack or a ticking time bomb in microsoft code. DISM and SFC wont fix it.
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