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  1. It looks like i will be doing a clean install. The repair did not work. Thank you for all your help. It was much appreciated.
  2. It still will not run Malwarebytes without it manually being opened and given admin rights.
  3. I had to run it again as the computer had restarted before it was done. Here is the log. ESET.txt
  4. It is still working. I will send you the logs tomorrow morning. Thank you as always!🙌🏻
  5. That took a while. Here is the report. report_2024.05.20_10.33.57.klr.txt
  6. Here is the requested information mbst-grab-results.zip
  7. Here are the logs👍🏻 Addition.txt FRST.txt FSS.txt SecurityCheck.txt
  8. So now it's downloaded and installed but wont run. The only way I can get it to run is to right click on the file and open it with Admin rights? Any thoughts. I do apologize I thought I had sent this post last week.
  9. I just added the Activation key and its all up and running!!!!! Thank you! and Please you get some rest!!!!! 😁👍🏻
  10. I will be able to do more tomorrow morning. So just let me know what next to do😁 Again Thank you!!
  11. Here is the scan report Malwarebytes Scan Report 2024-05-16 235138.txt
  12. I am not sure what happened but it is running a scan
  13. Yes we own it. This laptop has been connected to two different networks (ethernet). Router was reset last night. No VPNs or Proxy settings. I wont be able to reboot the router again until this evening when everyone is off the network. Would you like me to run the tool and get the logs now?
  14. Now getting this. I did close it and restart the computer. but received this error again.
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