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Posts posted by Cr0issant

  1. Hey,

    When I try to start (almost any) program, it immediately closes again. This is true for a lot of executables (e.g. teamspeak3, LeagueOfLegends), any .txt and even a lot of windows processes (like settings, regedit, systemrecovery etc.). They all immediately freeze for a second after opening them and then close.

    When using windows in safe mode said programs do not freeze or close.


    I attempted to reset to a system restore point but I get an error saying "Der Computerschutz ist deaktiviert" ("Computer protection is disabled" translated from german). Trying to activate the "computer protection" isn't possible since these settings also close immediately.
    Plus in safe mode these settings aren't available due to the error "Der Computerschutz ist nur im Onlinebetriebssystem verfügbar" ("Computerprotection is only available for online operating systems")

    I already ran the malwarebytes scanner (in normal windows and in safe mode) but appart from a few PUPs it doesn't find anything nor fix the problem (I attached the scan log file).

    I also attached the Farbar Recovery Scan files as wanted. I ran the Farbar Software in windows safe mode.


    Thanks in advance for the help!

    Addition.txt FRST.txt Malwarebytes Scan-Bericht 2024-04-02 123345.txt

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