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  1. Hi, I ran into this as well. Here is my detection log Malwarebytes www.malwarebytes.com -Log Details- Scan Date: 12/22/23 Scan Time: 1:12 PM Log File: a3b61974-a0f5-11ee-91cf-9c2dcd088f57.json -Software Information- Version: Components Version: 1.0.2222 Update Package Version: 1.0.78729 License: Trial -System Information- OS: Windows 11 (Build 22631.2861) CPU: x64 File System: NTFS User: Hari-P16s\hari -Scan Summary- Scan Type: Custom Scan Scan Initiated By: Manual Result: Completed Objects Scanned: 1 Threats Detected: 1 Threats Quarantined: 0 Time Elapsed: 0 min, 25 sec -Scan Options- Memory: Disabled Startup: Disabled Filesystem: Enabled Archives: Enabled Rootkits: Disabled Heuristics: Enabled PUP: Detect PUM: Detect -Scan Details- Process: 0 (No malicious items detected) Module: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registry Key: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registry Value: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registry Data: 0 (No malicious items detected) Data Stream: 0 (No malicious items detected) Folder: 0 (No malicious items detected) File: 1 Trojan.MalPack.RND.Generic, C:\USERS\HARI\CODE\TEST\NODE_MODULES\ZEROMQ\PREBUILDS\WIN32-IA32\NODE.NAPI.GLIBC.NODE, No Action By User, 9206, 1205790, 1.0.78729, , ame, , 3630879E9AE8C0DC246FC8CCF5176CBA, 4918C83060A43152CD5D767DC37DD8964BA201543DFC0A458834723E36E10747 Physical Sector: 0 (No malicious items detected) WMI: 0 (No malicious items detected) (end) Also, the contents of `a3b61974-a0f5-11ee-91cf-9c2dcd088f57.json` are: 767D909B8D5CAEDCD080731023FCFBBF019AA347418D1C90E4FE074BBE36D674 { "applicationVersion": "", "chromeSyncResetQueryRequested": false, "chromeSyncResetQueryResult": false, "clientID": "MbamUI", "clientType": "rightClickUIScan", "componentsUpdatePackageVersion": "1.0.2222", "coreDllFileVersion": "", "cpu": "x64", "dbSDKUpdatePackageVersion": "1.0.78729", "detectionDateTime": "2023-12-22T18:12:16Z", "fileSystem": "NTFS", "id": "a3b61974-a0f5-11ee-91cf-9c2dcd088f57", "isLargePEEnabled": false, "isUserAdmin": true, "largePEMaxSize": 2147483647, "licenseState": "trial", "linkagePhaseComplete": true, "loggedOnUserName": "Hari-P16s\\hari", "machineID": "", "os": "Windows 11 (Build 22631.2861)", "schemaVersion": 22, "sourceDetails": { "aggressiveMode": false, "clientMetadata": { "jobId": "", "scheduleId": "", "scheduleTag": "" }, "ddsigEnabled": true, "filesScannedByIG": 0, "objectsScanned": 1, "scanEndTime": "2023-12-22T18:12:41Z", "scanOnlineStatus": "online", "scanOptions": { "pumHandling": "detect", "pupHandling": "detect", "scanArchives": true, "scanFileSystem": true, "scanMemoryObjects": false, "scanPUMs": true, "scanPUPs": true, "scanRookits": false, "scanStartupAndRegistry": false, "scanType": "custom", "useHeuristics": true }, "scanResult": "completed", "scanStartTime": "2023-12-22T18:12:16Z", "scanState": "completed", "shurikenEnabled": true, "type": "scan" }, "threats": [ { "ddsSigFileVersion": "", "linkedTraces": [ ], "mainTrace": { "ImpersonationSid": "", "archiveMember": "", "archiveMemberMD5": "", "cleanAction": "quarantine", "cleanContext": { }, "cleanResult": "notStarted", "cleanResultErrorCode": 0, "cleanTime": "", "generatedByPostCleanupAction": false, "hubbleRequestErrorCode": 0, "id": "a4d7611e-a0f5-11ee-8fd1-9c2dcd088f57", "igExitCode": "", "isPEFile": true, "isPEFileValid": true, "isWhitelistedByAdsInfo": false, "linkType": "none", "objectMD5": "3630879E9AE8C0DC246FC8CCF5176CBA", "objectPath": "C:\\USERS\\HARI\\CODE\\TEST\\NODE_MODULES\\ZEROMQ\\PREBUILDS\\WIN32-IA32\\NODE.NAPI.GLIBC.NODE", "objectSha256": "4918C83060A43152CD5D767DC37DD8964BA201543DFC0A458834723E36E10747", "objectSize": 547840, "objectType": "file", "resolvedPath": "C:\\Users\\hari\\Code\\test\\node_modules\\zeromq\\prebuilds\\win32-ia32\\node.napi.glibc.node", "rtpEventType": "other", "suggestedAction": { "archiveDir": false, "chromeExtensionOther": false, "chromeExtensionPreferences": false, "chromeExtensionSecurePreferences": false, "chromeExtensionSyncData": false, "chromeUrlOther": false, "chromeUrlSecurePreferences": false, "chromeUrlSyncData": false, "chromeUrlWebData": false, "disableHubbleWhiteListing": true, "disableSignatureWhiteListing": true, "fileDelete": true, "fileReplace": false, "fileTxtReplace": false, "folderDelete": false, "isChromeObject": false, "isDDS": false, "isDoppleganging": false, "isExternalDetection": false, "isPUP": false, "isShuriken": false, "isWMIEventConsumer": false, "killProcess": true, "minimalWhiteListing": false, "moduleUnload": false, "noLinking": false, "physicalSectorReplace": false, "priorityHigh": false, "priorityNormal": false, "priorityUrgent": false, "processUnload": false, "regKeyDelete": false, "regValueDelete": false, "regValueReplace": false, "shortcutReplace": false, "silentMode": false, "singleDelete": false, "testingMode": false, "treatAsRootkit": false, "useDDA": false, "verifyResolvedPath": true, "whitelistCheckError": false }, "winVerifyTrustResult": { "expectedError": false, "lastErrorCode": 0, "wvtCalled": false, "wvtResult": 0 } }, "ruleID": 1205790, "ruleString": "", "rulesVersion": "1.0.78729", "srcEngineComponent": "ame", "srcEngineThreatNames": [ ], "threatID": 9206, "threatName": "Trojan.MalPack.RND.Generic" } ], "threatsDetected": 1 } MalwareBytes - Zeromq detection.txt a3b61974-a0f5-11ee-91cf-9c2dcd088f57.json.txt
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