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  1. After everything, the virus it was delete, but idk how someone accesed my steam account and sent message to ppl, idk if the virus still worked în background or something. After 1 day almost all The windows was corupte, missing file etc, and I couldnt use USB etc. So i reinstalled my windows unfortunately, deleting all my files.
  2. Ok, at the end of the scan I'll reply with the informations about it
  3. After the scan, should I send you any file from it? Or just to tell if it found something new?
  4. Should I scan the entire PC or just local disk C?
  5. After the new fix with frst, and after the restart, this time, the virus is not appeared. But I still wait your informations and answers. This is the new Fixlog. Fixlog.txt
  6. Hi, after everything was done, and Fix run did a Restart, the virus itself opened it again, but this time its kinda blocked while trying to open, and ive got a new error with the name "mergecap.exe - Application Error". I atach 2 more screenshots beside the files you need It, just to see how it looks when the virus is trying to open and the new error. Btw, the virus its in the ss with "httpPower" name, and ill atach a ss to see how the virus looks in windows bar/task bar P.S. I didnt pressed "OK" yet, I wait your instructions first. Quarantine.rar 05.10.2023_21.45.18.zip Fixlog.txt
  7. After everything is complete, and send you every file you need it, to check if I still have that virus, can I restart the laptop? Because only when I open the pc that virus is trying to acces that IP. P.S. Frst its in progres, after it is done, ill send every file that you said you need it.
  8. Hi, for few days now malwarebytes keeps blocking web access attempt but I can't seem to get any info on what it is or what file its attached to After the trojan is found, a document in temp appeared with the name ew_Tas I tried to acces the port but ive got only a message "cannot get/" After every restart, my computer is trying to acces this website After that another website was blocked rtp detection - trojan - blocked website info in attached file, all help well appreciated Detection.txt rtp detection operagx.txt
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