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  1. It just seems a bit odd that a product designed by a company to help users eliminate or control exposure to ad networks, trackers, malware and scams - implement such things themselves.
  2. While looking up an element that Browser Guard identified on another website on MalwareBytes, I was concerned to see that MalwareBytes' own Browser Guard blocks 6 elements on malwarebytes.com and 2 elements on forums.malwarebytes.com. See attached screenshot. This behaviour seems odd ... what is the rationale for this? Thanks.
  3. Many thanks for the follow up!
  4. Thanks for the reply. Checked the Browser Guard database version - it is up to date at 2.6.8. The block lists for this particular website is different between Firefox, Chrome and Edge (all with the same current Browser Guard database). I'm also using a couple other website monitors, but they don't report any issues with this particular website.
  5. Although I used a particular site last week, this new blocked item has appeared on the list. Don't know if the website coding has changed or if this is a recent addition to Malwarebytes Browser Guard. Thoughts / ideas / suggestions? Thanks.
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