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  1. Hello, everything seems to be back to normal ;) Thank you.
  2. Hi, I've attached the log file (as this website has restricted access some informations have been deleted). Please note that the same site (with exactly the same code) is not blocked in UAT environnement (I mean with others domain names). Regards, BG-Logs_v2.6.6_2023-07-07_115015.txt
  3. Hello, Unfortunately the problem is stil there with 2.6.6. Please continue your investigations as we have many many complains about this. Regards
  4. I believe this is related to recent update 2.6.5 of malwarebytes. This version has been released around the 3rd July, date from when the customers start complaining.
  5. Do you have an update on this ? We have more and more customers complaining about this, as they can't work because their tool (website) is broken. This probleme does not occur on all pages, it seems to be only in pages with datatables (HTML tables), but I don't know if this is the reason. In the network, the first blocking event seems to be : Location : chrome-extension://ihcjicgdanjaechkgeegckofjjedodee/app/eventpages/block.html?referrer=undefined&url=https%3A%2F%******.esabora.solutions%2FPersonnel%2FListPersonnels&host=********.esabora.solutions&type=scam&subtype=phishing&tabId=693872474&filename=undefined&prevUrl=null Non-Authoritative-Reason:WebRequest API Tell me if you need more informations. Thank you.
  6. Yes. On 2 différents subdomain (see pictures). If I loock a bit deeper in the network : chrome-extension://ihcjicgdanjaechkgeegckofjjedodee/app/eventpages/block.html?referrer=undefined&url=https%3A%2F%2F*****.esabora.solutions%2FPopup%2FGetAlert&host=******.esabora.solutions&type=scam&subtype=phishing&tabId=693872247&filename=undefined&prevUrl=null Thank you for your help.
  7. Please remove the block in our professionnal domain, it prevents our customers to use the site. Domain is : esabora.solutions Please can you also tell me why it is blocked ? Thanks.
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