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Posts posted by Airin

  1. Several of my users have been getting this popup, even on Wifi networks that are using WPA encryption. While it is true that WPA encryption is not great these days, I think that there should be a way to disable these popups. I'd be fine with a registry setting if they don't want to have a setting in the GUI, but give me some way to get rid of ads. I probably have about 50-60 customers using the premium version of MBAM, and I've gotten complaints from 5 so far about this. I'd rather not resort to finding a different AV solution.

    Some of my customers prefer a different solutions, and they also have ads, however they also have settings in the GUI to disable those ads.

    My other pet peeve is when the subscription expires, they get a big screen that blocks all activity until you choose either Renew or Uninstall. MBAM has a free version, shouldn't it have an option to just deactivate the paid version part of it, and an option to activate using a product key. And definitely don't block all other activity on the computer until a choice is made. Other than these 2 bad UI decisions (in my opinion, however I bet a majority of people would agree), I am impressed with MBAM. 

    Is there a solution on how to do this? Thank you.

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