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Posts posted by epicrobloxgamer123

  1. when i open browser guard, it shows the welcome message but if i close Firefox and reopen browser guard UI it will reshow that welcome message, didn't happen before, i don't think it's normal.

  2. 31 minutes ago, Porthos said:

    This is a Browser Guard exclusive "Heuristic" block. I have moved your post to the correct section so the Browser Guard team can address it.


    Thanks, though i am on Firefox, not chrome.

  3. these 2 download link are being blocked


    please whitelist the domain Screenshot2024-04-22103205.thumb.png.f1faa11375e4dbe03432e2c6afe235b4.png


  4. i can't download RTC as the download link is blocked for suspicious content.

    the link is









  5. 3 minutes ago, Porthos said:

    Keep in mind the FF extension is several versions behind since Mozilla is dragging its feet in authorizing the current version.

    Ok, i see, Thanks alot!

  6. 4 minutes ago, Porthos said:

    Restarted FF and was able to reproduce.

    Turn the following off on that site.


    That worked, thanks, but it's still a bug? will it be fixed? and btw now i can't turn the "ads/Trackers" option back on after i turned it off, it re disable it automatically!

  7. 9 minutes ago, Porthos said:

    Does it show  0 after you allow it?


    when i allow it it work, but it's after i restart Firefox that it blocks it again, but it unblock it after opening the browser guard interface widget Screenshot2024-03-09102941.png.b604fca238ff82d09016f6f4cdd20dd1.png

  8. 13 minutes ago, Porthos said:

    Are you using "private browsing"?  @epicrobloxgamer123

    nope, not private browsing, i can screen record it if you want?

  9. Hello, i found a bug, when i click on "allow on this site" then on the next restart of Firefox it will block it again, the only way to fix it is to open the browser guard interface and reload the page.

  10. browser guard say redscientist.com is scam and maleware the site get block for maleware and the Real Time Corruptor download as scam. Real time corruptor isen't maleware It's riskware


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