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  1. [1] Uninstalled them all [2] Ok noted, thanks [3] This has to be the software I accidentally installed!!! I remember swiftly seeing Limestone Digital Limited before the software closed itself and was nowhere to be found!! What do we do? [4] I did not install those extensions, those are the ones that keep installing themselves no matter what [5] Done, see attached Fixlog.txt
  2. I'm dealing with a problem where I accidentally downloaded and opened a .exe file (i still have it saved) that installed something that keeps adding a google docs extension to my chrome browser. The docs extension prevents me from doing google searches, and who knows what else in the background, until i delete it. Malwarebytes didn't detect anything out of the ordinary, even after a 5 hour deep search on all drives. Now, I've been through many forums and I've tried many possible solutions, but none fixed it. Here's a list of what I remember: Chrome account: Deactivated "sync" as suggested on one of your forums -> deleted all files from google cloud including all extensions -> Clean install of chrome -> opening chrome = Without logging in, the extension appeared again Checked for unwanted apps -> couldn't find anything suspicious to delete Tried Revo Uninstaller Pro and looked at Browser Extensions = Nothing is listed for chrome Tried Zemana Antimalware as suggested in one of your forums -> Found 2 possible threats -> See log attached I checked "%localappdata%" for any unwanted folders I checked "C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 2\Extensions" -> found two unwanted folder with extensions right after the clean install of chrome I checked the task scheduler on windows and didn't find anything that might cause a reinstall of the chrome file I don't know what else to do besides a clean install of Windows, any suggestions? It has to be a local file that causes this problem, it keeps reappearing even with chrome sync off. Many thanks, Om
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