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  1. I maybe should upload logs soon. I’ve updated all my software except my GPU driver so I should maybe get on that soon. Since the latest update, the reliability monitor has been a bit slower to open, and I’ve been seeing errors for windows update pop up in it, where they say it stopped working. Start menu experience host has done the same thing too a few times. for some reason it’s done this three times since the last cumulative update Hopefully this info doesn’t contain any sensitive data or anything
  2. Don’t know if it was due to the previous Malwarebytes update or the latest windows cumulative update, but for some reason my start menu froze/wouldn’t respond a few times. Wouldve mentioned this earlier but I’ve been pretty offline for a while.
  3. Also forgot to ask, but when do sessions on this site expire? when I last checked my logged in sessions it said my pc had last been active here in February, and then when I accessed the site, I had been logged out. I assume the session expired due to trying to access the site after a long period of inactivity, but I’m not that sure how this works
  4. I wonder if it’ll ever be fixed. I should maybe hide it soon too. I also wanted to inquire if any of the edge/windows updates added any default extensions. I logged on today and gathered some FRST logs, and I noticed that there was an edge extension added titled “Google Docs Offline” when I was skimming through them i know for a fact I never added it, since I don’t use edge, and have been using Firefox for the past year now. I’ve also not been home much, so I haven’t been using my PC beyond keeping everything up to date. Maybe it’s Microsoft doing something, I’m not sure.
  5. Hi, Was curious about how good passkeys are since I’ve been seeing more advertisements for them, and I wanted to know if anyone had any experience with them, and if they’re worth setting up. Its been on my mind, but I’ve not had time to act on it due to being preoccupied a bunch.
  6. Haven’t been on my computer, so I’ve not installed the cumulative update. Did this newest patch fix that update error? I never hid the update, so I’m hoping that won’t cause any problems when updating to the newest cumulative update.
  7. Okay, now it’s appearing under the recently installed programs after this latest update. Incredibly confused as to why it didn’t with the last few.
  8. I hope it does. I assume not hiding the update wouldn’t mess up any of those big Windows updates. I found out that the reason Malwarebytes wasn’t showing up under the recently installed programs was because it wasn’t a version update I think. I also misread when it was installed, which was back at the beginning of January.
  9. It’s been a while, and I forgot to ask this earlier due to being busy. Will that update error be fixed with tomorrow’s update as it is patch Tuesday. I saw a script that Microsoft had released, but I didn’t want to use it, since I was worried I’d mess something up. Also, on the 4th, I installed a Malwarebytes software update, but for some reason under the installed programs, it said it was installed on the third, which doesn’t make sense.
  10. Also meant to ask, but is it normal for windows to display a security notification if a scan hasn’t been done in a while? I had a yellow exclamation point on the security tray saying that there was actions that needed my attention, and it wanted me to scan I think as I hadn’t done a scan since the 8th of January since I’ve not been on my PC too much.
  11. Ah, thank you for the response! I suppose I’ll wait until they release a fix for it, as I don’t like tinkering with these things in case I break something.
  12. So I updated windows and everything went fine, but I’m trying to download this security update, yet there’s an error and it won’t download. I’m wondering if it’s a server error on their part or not, or if anyone else is having this issue too?
  13. Was it patch Tuesday today? Havent been keeping up with a lot, since I’ve not been home that much unfortunately
  14. Ended up updating last week, I noticed after this windows update, it got rid of three programs? no idea what. Today I also cleared out and deleted a bunch of old files from my d drive. It was mainly a bunch of old research images for school projects and the like I saved from across the internet, but still had. I was wondering, if a file you had was malicious, and you deleted it without opening it, would anything happen? Not to say anything I had was malicious, since I’ve done a bunch of full scans with the Microsoft safety scanner and I assume that would pick them up, but I do get paranoid over not knowing much, and typically second guess myself in regards to this stuff.
  15. Ended up updating pretty much everything including my GPU driver on Friday or Saturday. Noticed that Firefox was running in the background on the first startup, so I don’t know what that was about or if that’s normal. Im guessing I should be good to update tomorrow? (Assuming I even have time to get on the computer.)
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