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  1. Hi ! I just want to say thank you to all of you. You were very kind, patient and professionnal to help me on this ! I realy appreciate your help and I will recommand MalwareByte to everyone. I do no regret to buy the Premium version of it ! Again, many thanks for your help and kindness. You may now can close my request ! Have a nice day !
  2. Hi again, Please find below the mbst-grab-results. Many thanks ! mbst-grab-results.zip
  3. Hi, Thank you again for your help ! For your information, I really don't know nothing about "Keep notes manager"... Please find enclosed the report from the KVRT analyse. I cant open it with note, so i sent it to you on .rar, hope its not a problem for you. I think it's ok because they find items on quarantine, but tell me your opinion. report_2022.09.14_20.31.57.rar
  4. And finally, you will find enclsed the report file from the Eset analyse (1 detected). Have a nice day Scanlog.txt
  5. Hi ! Hope all is ok for you. You will find enclosed the quarantine and the zip folder. Thanks 14.09.2022_00.48.53.zip Quarantine.rar
  6. And, I think, im not sure, but I don't have any alerts right now ! Before, it was each minute. For the moment, I cant see nothing for the 5 last minutes !
  7. Hi ! It was very fast ! Please find enclosed the results ! Hope having great news from you ! Many thanks again Fixlog.txt
  8. Oups ! I forgot ! I will carefully follow your instruction, and keep you informed ! Maybe tomorrow, because it's late in France ! Many thanks again, and hope all will be ok...
  9. Hi ! In fact, I have downloaded Adobe After Effect for free, by watching a Youtube video... And for sure, the problem comes from that... May have to follow your instructions ? Thank you again !
  10. Hi ! It tooks a very long time, but it's fine now ! You will find enclosed : - msert.log - Scan from MB Can't wait to read you again, Many thanks for your help Scan.txt msert.log
  11. Many thanks for your help. Im working on it right now ! I will keep you informed as soon as possible ! Many thanks
  12. Hi, many thanks for your help. I'm so sad to know my system infected and I hope there is a solution to help me ! Then, I carefully follow your instructions. So, you will find enclosed : - Threat Scan : clear - Addition - FRST Please don't hesitate if you need further information. Thanks a lot again for your help ! Have a nice day, Addition.txt FRST.txt
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