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Posts posted by SWISME1

  1. Hi.  While investigating email on my phone I accidentally clicked a link with intuit logo on a likely phishing email. iWhen trying to close the webpage it minimized, and i pulled it up, looked like still loading and i closed. it.  i ran bitdefender and malwarebytes mobile and nothing found. i cleared chrome cache.  checked downloaded files and didnt see anything new.  i just checked browser history on chrome and there are only two websites that i don't recognize...one is folcher-cri.com and the other is check.ofx2hphq.com.  not sure if they were the website i was directed too (i panicked and didn't look at the url when i closed the page).  

    the email says it's from quickbooks@notification.intuit.com and is a bill with a pdf invoice for a verizon internet security plan--which if i had seen that part first i would have automatically deleted it. stupid me. at least i didn't download the pdf.  anyway, one of the links which i think is what i clicked (i'm afraid to view it out of safe mode on my computer to verify this was the link i clicked} looks like it was intuit.com according to the text version that i see in my spam folder but not sure.


    Not sure what to do now, if anything?

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