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  1. Sorry Maurice, forgot to reply. I ran the tool and haven't had any issues since I removed the extension.
  2. The issue has not been detected for 2 days now, seems like the problem is solved! Should have tried removing the extensions and not just disabling them from the start. Thank you very much for your help and time Maurice.
  3. Hey Maurice. Here are the results for the script. Did a quick check afterwards and the issue is still being detected. Fixlog.txt
  4. I'm afraid the issue persists. MalwareBytes is still blocking a website and disabling it makes ads appear on my search results. What else could I try? Thank you very much for your time.
  5. Don't mind the last message, this is the one: msert.log
  6. It really isn't that noisy, it's just that I sleep particularly close to my PC 😅. The scan is still going through the C drive, stuck on some heavy software development programs. I'll probably let it finish, it would just be a waste of time otherwise. I'll let you know when I have the results!
  7. Hey Maurice. It's been almost 36 hours since the scan began and it is not even half-way there, is it crucial to have it done? It's been interfering with work and the noise really kept me up last night. If you tell me it's worth it I'll stop by the store and get some earplugs for tonight, so please let me know 😅. Thank you for your help up until now!
  8. Hello, I recently started getting ads on my Chrome search results page so I decided to download and run MalwareBytes. I believe the scan does not show anything out of the ordinary, but the program detects riskware under the domain of "filterforte.com" every time I search for anything. I've tried disabling Chrome extensions, running my antivirus, running HitmanPro and even resetting the browser to default settings, but nothing has worked. I would very much appreciate if someone could help me out with this issue. I've followed the forum instructiMalwareBytes.txtons and ran the Farbar tool, logs which I'm attaching along with the initial scan's. FRST.txt Addition.txt riskware.txt
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