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Posts posted by ljwobker

  1. I've got MalwareBytes for iOS installed on my iPhone.  I have Settings->Messages->Unknown & Spam set to "Malwarebytes" with the check mark, as the instructions say to.  However, I'm getting LOTS of spam texts that are extremely obvious... stuff like "You just paid your phone bill, click on this link full of random characters" and "Here's a free gift, click on this super-sketchy link to claim it" and other stuff like that.

    None of my text messages appear to be filtered, as there are no entries in the "Transactions" or "Promotions" or "Junk" buckets.

    It seems more like Malwarebytes isn't actually doing any filtering at all, because it's hard for me to believe that NONE of these texts would get trapped/identified correctly.

    Is there some set of things i can to do try and confirm that the filtering is actually working?

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