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Posts posted by vbk

  1. I have changed to Google DNS. Internet connection was OK, but the problem has not been resolved yet. 

    I run the Malwarebytes Support Tool again, and this tool automatically removed Malwarebytes and tried to reinstalled Malwarebytes again but failed due to not being able to connect to the sever. However, my internet connection was very good at that moment. I do not know what happens!

  2. Hello, I am using Malwarebytes 4.4.9 with a purchased license. However, I could not update the database with an error message "unable to contact update server. I have downloaded the Malwarebytes support tool to remove Malwarebytes. I downloaded the offline version and re-install again because Malwarebytes could not establish a internet connection, which is weird to me.  After installing the offline version, however, I could not activate the license any longer with a message "Installation_token Not Found" and "unable to contact license server". The "mbst-grab-results.zip" was also attached. Please help to solve this issue. Thank you.


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