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Posts posted by StephenYeo

  1. I'm afraid that didn't work. I downloaded the file MBSETUP via the link you provided.

    I ran the exe file and it seemed to run properly - in the sense that it didn't produce any error messages. But after it finished, Malwarebytes is still at versioni 4.6.13, and upgrading from within Malwarebytes doesn't do anything either. 

    I suppose I should have been suspicious because running the installer didn't produce User account messages asking me for Administrator passwords, nor did it ask for the Tamper password.

    Can you suggest anything else? Uninstall and reinstall?

  2. As explained in an earlier thread I have version 5 on one of my PCs, version 4 on several others. Wondering if there is a way to move the version 4 PCs to version 5.

    Several people responded that a VPN might be blocking the upgrade, but I'm not running any kind of VPN.

    David Lipman provided a link to an upgrade file, but when I tried the link this morning my browser (Chrome) or maybe Malwarebytes blocks the link as unsafe.

    Is this something I should worry about, or just a routine precaution?

    Apologies for starting a new thread on this - I didn't get round to checking the link until this morning, and by then the topic had been marked Resolved.

  3. I have one PC on a Malwarebytes perpetual licence and three PCs on an annual licence. 

    The PC on the perpetual licence seems to have upgraded itself to version 5.1, while the PCs with the annual licence seem to be stuck on version 4.6. Is this something to worry about, or will the PCs running version 4.6 eventually upgrade to verisoin 5?

  4. Not sure. Messages go back several weeks, and there has been at least one MWB update during that time.


    And now that I think about it, one message that popped up on the screen but doesn's seem have been stored in the history talked about an issue with the Heap memory (sorry, should have screenshotted it, but was busy with a dealine so didn't pay as much attention to it as I should have.


  5. Have experienced a similar issue over the past couple of days - strange behaviour with Excel and Powerpoint, and difficulties printing with Word. No problems printing from other apps or printing the printer test page from Windows though.

    Looking at Malwarebytes, it looks like I've had 5 or 6 messages since late August. Slight variations, but all the messages seem to involve "Exploit Office WMI abuse".

    Have applied the solution you rsuggest above & will report back.


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