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Posts posted by Anon333

  1. 12 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

    Disable the VPN and try to update again and let me know if that works now.

    I wasn't connected to the VPN while running the tests, regardless I have terminated the possibility of it interfering by uninstalling it. However, this doesn't solve the issue -- I still get that error while downloading Malwarebytes.

    You're right about the DHCP server looking odd. This computer was always connected to a router via ethernet cable and its DHCP server was, but recently I've changed locations -- it's now connected to a wireless network from a different internet provider, perhaps it wasn't set up correctly and that's what causing the issues.

    About the driver -- I can't seem to find it in the path you've mentioned. 


  2. Hello,

    I have recently encountered an error with my Malwarebytes Premium - whenever I opened it or tried to update it, It gave me an "unable to contact license server" error. I thought a reinstall would fix the issue, so I used the Malwarebytes support tool to clean my system and reinstall it. However, when reinstalling it, it gave me this error:


    I've used a system restore to when Malwarebytes was still present, but it gave me the same "unable to contact license server" error and wouldn't let me activate my license. I've deleted the program's folder and ran the cleaning utility again, but it gave me the same instllation error.

    I have attached the most recent log results.


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