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Posts posted by JonIrenicus

  1. Hey @Hazem_Kamal

    For some further clarification for the support tool you were using on that side was that our command line tool for business products on that end? If so could we also ensure that C:\ProgramData and C:\Program Files are fully cleared of any Malwarebytes related folders as well prior to reinstallation. 

    If it wasn't our command line support tool let's try using that version instead that you can pull from this article here: https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038524734-Malwarebytes-Support-Tool-for-business-environments

    • Thanks 1
  2. Greetings @spektr3recs

    Were you looking for clarification on steps to adding a custom shield for Puffin Secure Browser within the Anti-Exploit service on that side or were you looking for us to review that on our side? If you were looking to add that in manually on your end you can follow these steps here. 

    For the stand alone product: https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039024973-Configure-Malwarebytes-Anti-Exploit-to-protect-additional-applications

    For the Nebula Anti-Exploit service: https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/articles/360053911954-Add-an-application-to-Exploit-Protection-in-Malwarebytes-Nebula

    Hopefully this answered your question, but if not just let us know!

  3. @Gwilhelm If you search through your KB updates could we find KB3161949 and KB3125574 if they are installed and remove those as they should allow for KB3140245 to install if it is not currently installed on the endpoint then we can try finalizing the Malwarebytes Installation again. 

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