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Posts posted by NotALawyer

  1. Thank you for the response, exile360. I believe I got a notification for when it completed -- I only kind of remember it, but the notification settings I had support that conclusion. So yes, you understood my description correctly.

    Considering how long it actually took for the download to complete after the reboot, I'd say that it's a fairly reasonable amount of time for such a download to complete -- not so much for a download to start, though, as until then that's what it felt like I was waiting for.

  2. I got a notification saying that I need to update my virus definitions, so I opened the app, and lo and behold, there was a big blue button on the dashboard under the "critical issues" section, prompting me to update the malware database. I clicked on it, and it did that little thing that touch screen buttons do when clicked on... and nothing else. I waited for a while, clicked the button again, restarted the app, restarted my phone, tried again, and still got nothing more than a ripple.

    While I was looking for solutions to the issue on the forums, I saw that the update had completed.

    Could you work on having the Android app show some kind of indication that the database update is being worked on, within a time frame that doesn't make it seem like it's not responding?

    Thank you for your consideration,


    (Moto G5 Plus, Android 8.1.0, App version Database updated Feb. 15, 2020.)

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