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  1. It appears no suspicious files were detected in this case either, was there anything in the FRST logs that appeared suspicious? I mean the initial reason for me becoming suspicious was that i ran ' netstat -bn ' and an ip address appeared that was using a home providers isp, which is the same provider as mine but this was a different ip to the one I have. Also in a entirely different location, within the same country however a considerable distance away from my own location, originally there was only one of these ips, but on further network scans there's been a few that appear with the same network prefix & subnet but different host ID, so example of IPs ' ' ' ' ' ' My personal IP has a entirely different network prefix, subnet & hostid there's no connection between the ips & my ip other than the ISP, however is it possible my ISP is transmitting data from and to my network using other networks in different locations under their own broadband provider? ( If that makes sense ) mbar-log-2019-06-30 (00-40-38).txt
  2. Nothing was detected on Scan, nor on repair here is the log file though, thanks AdwCleaner[C01].txt
  3. Forgot to quote you, attachments are above this post
  4. Thanks for your response, I have taken the steps provided mbst-grab-results.zip
  5. I was monitoring my network traffic yesterday after noticing some unusual activity and this unfamiliar IP kept popping up, I done a IP checkup & it's not attached to any services, the IP was using a UK ISP mostly used by home users, I'm also personally under the same ISP but it's definitely not the same IP I've been assigned & is in a entirely different location to myself by a long way. I've ran malwarebytes & windows defender numerous times but no detection has been made. Where do I go from here? Also I've ran RKill and nothing was terminated nor detected.
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