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Posts posted by OXMLAS

  1. My Facebook page (not Facebook account) got hacked and I know who are behind this hack. I made a Youtube video about this. After the hack of my Facebook Page, my account functioned abnormally.. For example, when I posted a post in a group without any link, but there is a link suddenly appeared in my post (picture).

    Moreover, right after my Page got hacked, there was a strange email appeared in the log-in tab used to type in email to log in Facebook. Then, I checked the domain of the email, I found that it was a disposable email from "tempt-mail .org". Right after I clicked on "tempt-mail .org" to check the email domain name, the random email of tempt-mail .org gave to me as a random visitor had an email automatically. The email wrote that my Facebook account needs to verify and asked me to click on a link it provided. But I did not click.

    From that day on, whenever I logged in Facebook with different accounts, my computer often got lagged as if the lag of my computer comes from logging in my Facebook accounts.

    All thing considered, I feel like there is some Facebook engineer working for Facebook trying to play with me or something like that. Because it is difficult to believe that a Hacker could influence Facebook display features like: displaying links without posting links, making computer lagged by logging in Facebook.

    I also feel like I have been stalked by some hacker for a long time. Every habit of mine such as using tempt-mail .org is captured and understood by this hacker. I suspect that my computer got installed some malwares or spywares on it without my awareness. The hacker worked for Reddit as an admin and knows my IP address when I logged in to use Reddit.
    I reported the hack of my Facebook page to Facebook via Facebook settings > report. But there is no help from Facebook.

    I just posted the issue of my Facebook page got hacked and my account functioned abnormally to Facebook community to seek for help.

    But after 5 minutes, my question got deleted and merged with a question of similar topic. After opening the question of similar topic that linked to my question, I found that this question has nothing related to my question and moreover, it is closed long ago.

    What can I do to get my Facebook page back and check whether or not my computer has been hacked and stalked, and whether or not there is a Facebook engineer has tried to play with me?

    I feel like there is some Facebook engineer working for Facebook trying to play with me or something like that. Because it is difficult to believe that a Hacker could influence Facebook display features like: displaying links without posting links, making computer lagged by logging in Facebook. And my question asked on Facebook community was closed after 5 minutes and got linked to an unrelated question. And this question has been closed.

    I also feel like I have been stalked by some hacker for a long time. Every habit of mine such as using tempt-mail .org is captured and understood by this hacker.





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