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Posts posted by JulioCesiss

  1. Hello!

    I'm having an issue with a malware that apparently is hiding in my system32. I'm not really good with this kind of thing, so i decided to ask for help here.

    This is my problem: So i woke up this morning,turned on my PC and the first thing i did was open Steam and try to play a game i installed last week.(Note:The game worked perfectly fine yesterday.) And the thing is:This game uses Battleye Anti-Cheat,and i can't open the game without it, so when battleye was starting, it did'nt want to open my game due to a problem with blocked files,(All of them from system32) so i searched the internet for a fix, and found out that this problem happens because i have a malware in my computer, so i installed MalwareBytes and tried to clean it up. But even after i did, My game still would'nt work and show the same problem, Because of that, i came to the conclusion that the malware affecting my computer was actually hidden in system32 because the blocked files that battleye could'nt load were all from Sys32.


    Notes:I have installed some stuff i did'nt completely trust recently,and i can talk about them if needed.

    Other than my game not working, my computer is still functional,and runs smoothly.

    The image below shows the issue on the game,the problems on the print are some of the files that got blocked(i'm not sure but i have an impression they're increasing over time,but i'm not really sure).2037427792_Semttulo.png.38a6d9662e85d37c8df72a5d999e967a.png

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