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  1. As there are 2 things weird: - At that time the smartphone of my mother had the Yahoo icon disappeared and her phone is not rooted, she doesn't care about details, so they do own private telecommunications control. - Later when I downloaded Libre Office in the computer of my father that had only install from Windows store activated, so +x Windows Store only, the download had dissapeared, so they don't nned the +x to either execute a virus either hack computers, no idea what's their technique, so they do own private computers control. - Long time I don't read my fake job adds because I don't need the stress of it, so they do pretend to own Pole Emploi job research list although their list is not updated correctly as they didn't cut me off of their spam, threatning poems with calendar date and place for meeting, phishing list. - They love guilty you of things that are supposed to be set as wrong in your mind according to their judgement, so they do read private messages from people. So they own the internet. - They want to be sure you won't succeed in life and you won't apply to return to nothing, and neither they want to be sure you won't apply to informatic field, as they also want to make understand they own informatics. So the only 2001 arrival at same calendar year then me in France, is neuro-programming linguistics sectes, that at that time, and I didn't read them and I can't read them as I didn't study philosophy for not to fall in their dangerous mind control program, at that time they liked posting weird internet webpages as they are witches controling internet plus threatning. So normal they don't like other witch types. Their aim was to control: 1- linguistics field 2- informatics field 3- sociology field 4- psychology field 5- and why not the world once they think they conquered everything ? So as it's presumably guilty and that I'm not putting law against them to investigate as no money and no proof. Could be either them, either the racist field, either internet is pandora box, either internet had so much nformation that it is alive but it only have bad destructive thoughts and intention of doing mental control to guilty people of things said to be wrong according to some excessive judgement, data stealing and following of people through devices not connectable to internet and offline, alike old fashioned TVs and old fashioned video and radio devices, no idea if possible when no electricity in them, but it includes through devices that are not from owner that is mysteriously persecuted, who knows, hardwares over connected awaked a soul without brain waves ? I'm not going to investigate, just if and when I can I'll fight back, but I do take in account they use innocent people IP to accusate them of writing to me (or maybe even of sending virus or hacking me), as they wish those innocent people to be attacked by people that have paranormal super hero powers like me, maybe not hero, maybe just dreamer powers that are unusefull, it's just imagination. So my suspect number 1 is Neuro-Linguistic Programming secte NLP - PNL as their aim was to invade France in studies field and maybe their intentions have grew up to invade France in job research, and maybe they have greater aims then that as what I see thinks to have control of people's mind and feelings. I might be wrong about it, and I'm sure you're going to hate this post, but I had to profit of occasion to lay down my suspicion on who is watching and suspect of sweet persecution on me. I'm not important, but danger is if they aim people that are not no one, and if they aim total control of french society.
  2. Hello, just to say I had reset my Windows 10 OEM, Windows defender didn't want a printer program to run, but my printer was offline, computer was lagging, and internet went down while I was checking the Yahoo login ID, I believe my many ID are me, my computer have 2 heads, the different versions of Windows 8 to 10 or of Ubuntu Linux, now I have a true smartphone and my game (Final Fantasy XV) works with its Google Play =) but before I had (still have) a normal phone and I might have tried to get in my mails with it, but it doesn't work, too old fashioned system, I had a free tablet once, I never did login with Bluestacks (Bluestacks works with Pokkie, Pokkie start menu was in Windows a while before and now it gives free gifts not material ones and material ones so it need access our payment options to give us pika points, most pika points are given free and according to level in Bluestacks you have different types of install new apps aims to get more free points so you finish by syncing hole Google Play games... for to get the pika points and win prizes, so maybe Motorola works with Pokkie, but never heard of Motorola device when installing Bluestacks, and they must change device names, because phone and tablet don't have same rights in installing Google Play apps, and Virtual machine device is new device type, it's in-built, so Motorola is not me, could be Bluestacks or Pokkie or something I don't know, because it's private free Android virtual machine, and you can have Malwarebytes on it. So the odd entries in Yahoo mail could be me (since I don't understand everything), ads app that login with me (so no need password neither phone), ads remover apps that login with me (so no need password neither phone), phishing that reads your mails and comment it in ads (but they prefer reading anything that is private complaint outside mails), any other scam phishing spam that needs your private information, and who knows, new hacker types ? So it's ready difficult and maybe impossible to me to understand the lines about IP and or device, Ubuntu seems appear as device but it should have IP, no reason for it not to have IP. Well it's a theory as I don't understand the internet and am pretty afraid of everything. Now long work to do to set again my Windows 10 side from zero. I can't find the pic maybe I didn't save it well. But anyway this adding permission to a device like a printer connexion (while it's off), or to get into mail and social accounts does not tells you that you as you is not a secure device, so we can't guess the robots when all we want to do is to login success full, and even by being no one I bet that my computer has more security then an known to all place. So thanks a lot for the concern, I didn't succeed putting my Windows 10 in English but I'll try again searching in it as it's more easy to track the virus.
  3. I just found out that Motorola Motor X is my Bluestacks Virtual android machine !!! Problem is you cannot delete a login in Google (unlike in Facebook) although you can reset it to ask your phone code, that's why I tried the Localize although it's not my phone, and not a phone. But Google Play is still corrupted inside my Bluestacks Virtual android machine, it still can't connect to Google Servers and it still says my phone codes are wrong although they are right. Could be the fake IP ban patch on built-in browser or whatever... And Google said one of my recovery codes were used, so if it was me that entered it, it can't be entered again as Google now requires phone codes to enter new or old devices. Do notice that I did nothing to Google before now the 04/03/2018 night fr time (except one password change in a place I haven't been with my computer, La Garenne-Colombes, and now new password was entered in same, I'm still not at all at La Garenne-Colombes). So that at least I discovered, I thought it was a phishing robot !!! (and I hope it's not one ^^) But no idea what is Epernay place ? As this happens in both of my computer heads. And no idea if anything is connected to the fact that my computer was hacked or got a virus. So if those new devices aren't robots, they are softwares. No idea what software are both in Windows and in Linux as Epernay location or as La Garenne-Colombes location ? But they also do create security issues for first device recognition to have a layer over the maybe fake IP ban issue.
  4. Another day I'll have to get rid of the robot in Linux side, and getting rid of robots in both heads of my computer is going to be HELL, because you cannot guess when 1st new device is yours and not a nasty robot together with you :/ And I need the Windows head not to be reset if I find right or wrong robot in Linux side. That is valid for hole internet websites, millions, trillions of them.
  5. I made a nice suggestion to Facebook, hope Google will FOLLOW (as it's impossible as human to solve this since robots often comes back together with us and make us accept to add new devices as being us so said for not to have to type again password, but we can reject robot entrance and not having to type it again and as each time you say it's not me to reject all the robots, you need create new password even if it's phone linked, so that means you can see the robots in Google and Facebook but not in Yahoo and in Forums and everywhere else and mostly private places like what the phishing enjoys reading and messing up, etc. --- and if you want to create a Firefox Add on to block robots that pretend to be us by login together with us, you're welcome =) ): Hello, as it work to say do not remember new device+location so to stay in old device+location, and as SAME device may say WRONG devices and WRONG locations, please show device+location BEFORE we add it, will be a nice improvement, for us not to login together with robots that are NOT us, thanks =) ~ I'll post this suggestion ONLINE.
  6. I didn't receive no Google notifications about wrong location, so still a mystery but it says they (robot) can block you when wrong location and true password, I still will read my other mailbox, but usually they (robot) tells that on Gmail. For the bank I told them as person and by mail, but I don't think it exists report paper for talking about we don't know if there was hacker or virus or update issue on computer and if it had read or not bank stuff. So what is not material cannot be reported (unless you're rich of course !) if there was no fraudulent action linked. No idea if game is being sync or not, as Motorola Motor X use is not concomitant to game use today (was the days before and is neither concomitant to Bluestacks use, was the days before), so Maybe Motorola Motor X is Google Play Application only ?
  7. Facebook added new device (not new, oooooold) at my town Colombes, it is Colombes because I'm having an issue, else they (whoever) put Epinay location ... And Google says my password was changed at La Garenne-Colombes witch is wrong as I live at Colombes. I know my new password right. Was surely wrong to change it as this play change my IP location thing from hacker or virus or phone company or whatever, could also explain, be a SECOND theory on why I have this fake IP ban on Google Play (aka can't connect to Google Play servers, aka thinks my password and phone codes and recovery code are wrong while they are right.) - It's rare I get La Garenne-Colombes as IP location although near me ? So they always get things wrong... This FEAR + CHANGE ALL YOUR PASSWORDS IS A TRAP. For enemy to play with your location recognition that can also block you. Also this QUIT MAIL IS A TRAP as if your mail is official on tons of address books online and offline can lead to identity steal, and hacker sends phishing only from my theory is: end points but limited in cities, hacked accounts, closed accounts that where re-opened with same name, so hackers likes abusing innocent people to put them as fault so that we persecute wrong person back. I didn't see much Batman, but surely it's meaner then the Joker attaching innocents dressed like his team. Then if it's not enemy and just security + security = security, I can't know truth. I can't link pics (internet connexion issue - solved), but it's OK, I said what I meant. Glad I saved this post =)
  8. Oh, in that Bluestacks.zip I had tried with firewall, but I did try without firewall after (firewall learn), it's the same, doesn't change issue. Not the firewall the problem.
  9. I know how to think. No connection with Google servers (Bluestacks) means, runtime error, means same error then in my website - the FAKE IP BAN I can solve by using non affected browser (if hacker didn't patch all of my browsers - and my hosting owner had agreed with me was not him that ever tried to ban me or anything), means same error then in my former game (their website was quite a gather for the hackers...), when players did cry: - I can't connect T.T although in Google Play I still can play my games, they are connected to chat and it's just the Google Play: install new game + pay option that is closed. What is weird is the wrong password, wrong phone code, wrong recovery code part, but this is due to no connection so maybe empty field is send ? I have to solve that, I have also NON premium Malwarebytes on Bluestacks, but no idea if no connection to Google Play servers virus was patched on Bluestacks side or outside in Windows 10 ? Quite rare to have my powers, but I only mind detected brainwaves on the Pwned issue part of my problems, not on all this. Even if my interpretation is hacker, I cannot access to hackers mind, so either it's lack of powers quality from me, either it's virus or there are other things that prevents me from sensing it, but I'm not a see in the crystal ball whatever, I don't detect brainwaves with will, I can't use will to use my powers, so I can only see small part of the door. That was the support sent before Bluestacks told me error: no connection to Google servers, it was before I enter recovery password. BlueStacks-Support.zip
  10. I'm half telepath (although life told me I cannot know when people think bad of me), I do appreciate when people who had read me in the past, do read me in the present, that's nice =)
  11. The one thing proof is that Documents folder had last change on Saturday 24th feb 17h25 fr time, even though I don't have good memory at all, I did not notice nothing 1 hour before getting out of home. The one thing weird is no idea why I don't have cut option elsewhere in private Windows folders alike Video folder or in internal letter storage ? But nothing says the date 24th, so maybe there was a Windows update that chmoded my files automatically including internal letter storage ? Or I did notice nothing at all and was too much concentrated in games and it was changed long ago by hacker ? I have important documents in FTD internal storage letter and bank stuff (although I'm poor). Only System Volume Information of FTD was changed on the 24th at 14h26 PM. I don't remember to have sent a curriculum to apply to a job that day, I think I only played, so no idea on why only System Volume Information folder, not content has this calendar date ? Content seems OK in calendar dates, although I have no idea what it is the use because I don't try knowing that much about Windows. My old chmod (unless Windows did an update and changed it without I notice, because I was playing games), was specific lifetime cut - paste - create new document - change document - execute on personal Windows folders and internal storage letters devices (not in hole Windows, I'm not crazy). So all my files can be used with no problem from boths heads of my computer. But I was not in thinking about files from long time. So I was expecting it to still be active today, but it's not, you can only copy, no cut, not create new file/folder. So maybe hacker, maybe Windows updated chmod options, no idea. Maybe hacker is a virus, no idea, but I say the word hacker because it's how I see things as a non professional. I'm still using my Windows so all that chmod thing is soon going to disappear. Some interesting opinion is when external storage is new, at first although it's correctly chmoded (I'm not in maths), it usually bugs the same way because it's new, then later it works, go understand why ? So new devices don't like cut/create new file/folder, but if I remember new devices don't allow copy paste neither, so I don't think it's case.
  12. I just inscribe myself at: https://www.signal-spam.fr/ in the past I used the FBI to send the reports but no space to copy paste although very good that we can comment =) Here we have space, we are not suppose to comment, but I will comment, it's not the same mail at all that was pwned and that is spammed and phished with orders to psychologically block me from life success. Maybe it's racism, no idea. Anyway it's weird. But we've good 2 weird in war here. I'll go dinner then I'll vomit to them every spam phishing I had from hacker, sad we can't comment, but I will comment because from times to times the fake ads aim commenting me by proving the hacker company is watching me and my life somehow, although I am still no one, but not carrying about it anymore =) This year I replaced hate by love because of Saint Seiya, but that's not your point. Firewall people say usually it's virus that deletes folders. But I don't know as I don't have fast startup activated in Windows as I can login , well walk in, from Ubuntu side. But even if it was too long ago that I logged in, I always let my chmod -R a+wxr (wow it was long time) on in folders, and it was off, so folders were chmod back to me me. That's easy to do in the inside to inside part, no idea in the outside to outside part, you don't need Windows password to log in Windows from inside neither to chmod, and I am same username in both sides Ubuntu and Windows, so if there was a hacker, I don't see why he would need to know my Windows password. So what I say is I did save with copy paste, but I usually have access to cut paste, not only to copy from inside. Plus there is the calendar date in the document folders. But right now I'm going to eat, bye =)
  13. Maybe Google (I didn't write to Google) is checking my Google Play account, as I can play my already installed games on Bluestacks but I cannot install new ones, typed my new password + code more then 10 times then it blocked (red message), then I unlocked with recovery code - code de secours + did put my firewall on learn mode (as it can block my printer also, but it wasn't firewall), then same problem again, is not recognizing phone codes, then I tried old password, then it said connexion problem with Google servers. Told Bluestacks about it, hope they'll confirm or reject if they are Motorola Motor X (but could be game, no ? as we also link games from inside them, and time and date correspond to game plays). Hope it's someone good checking it =) At the end of multiple tries I got that message:
  14. Anyone wants to check if there is a virus related to the fact that 2 of my folder content has disappeared in Windows 10 side (hacker or update error or some weird thief observing me but I don't believe in this version) + the fact that a mail that I can't delete has been pwned (if I delete it, hacker could pretend to be me as it defines me in all internet address books as self business + as normal person, aka $$$ to change it officially and on non official address books, and he likes identity usurpation, so also dangerous for Paypal and mails) + the fact that I don't understand what is me in the social network security listing of connexions (so maybe something changes my Firefox into other device, or maybe the devices are just a conclusion of detection quality and other unknown not dangerous facts and interpretation) ? If it was a hacker the fact that it deleted my folder while I was out, I was out during +- 1 hour, was meant to do fear, so it proves it's the hacker that sends the fake Pole Emploi job ads because I'm sure that he was the same that sent me in mobile phone when no 33700 existed in France, fake porn ads to comment me when I was out or doing something that I shouldn't like or shouldn't study further, so with or without internal computer camera, hacker can somehow know we are not at home, and play fear game on that. And the fake Pole Emploi job ads also may content suggestions of subliminal references to life incidents so that I think I shouldn't like or do whatever in life, basically hacker plays with the psychological: you shouldn't or they'll hate you or they'll think that of you and you should just try doing things in life that can't bring self estim. So it's all the same malicious poem be on phone, on game, on browser or on the web and in many text or non text format, they like a lot fake ads of any kind but they try other text types also. Internet doesn't bring much happiness to me. But I'll PK all of the hackers, one day and bring happiness to the world =)
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