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Posts posted by idkjs

  1. Happening on Firefox. I will do some stuff in Chrome Canary today to see if it happens there.


    12 hours ago, treed said:

    Does it happen when you are on a particular website? 

    I'm just coding and looking up stuff on basic code as you can tell from the extensions in the screenshot above so nothing super crazy or exciting. It feels like it mostly happens after i click past the first page of results. Just tried that, did not trigger. Here is the a search result for the redirect url im talking about. Not a new thing, apparently. https://www.google.fr/search?q=how+does+hitcpm.com+work&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab&gfe_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=VvaDWs-rKufI8gf92aOADg

  2. Of course, you are correct.

    The only add on I recently added was GreaseMonkey. Im thinking im going to wait to see if the issue reproduces before I remove it.

    Im not sure exactly how it triggers. Also, the hitcpm.com url came up in one of the tools in URL search on https://www.virustotal.com/#/home/url, yesterday but not today. Whatever that means.

    Do you think I should go and remove it right away? Is it worth the info to see if it happens agains?

    Screen Shot 2018-02-11 at 1.11.55 PM.png

  3. I have the same problem indicated here,

    When I run `

    find . -name "$1" 2>&1 | grep -v 'Permission denied'

    ` in the terminal it seem to keep getting hits in this folder:  " Library/Application Support/Firefox/profiles". I attached the files from this directory.

    Redirect domain was hitcpm.com. Searching that on the net gets you references to hitcpm.com/watch?key virus.

    Anyone have any experience with this on mac? I attached

    Thank you.










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