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Posts posted by Hempuli

  1. Virustotal doesn't seem to care about these same files, so I started wondering if somehow the Temp folder these files are in is the issue.

    The folders these files were in are named in this style: "mrt6059.tmp" (not the folder the linked examples are from, but contains similar files). Malwarebytes listed the folders themselves in the PUP list, so is it possible that the program thought that the whole folder is a PUP?

  2. My game on Steam, made using Multimedia Fusion 2 by Clickteam, got some reports of being labeled as a PUP by Malwarebytes.

    During runtime MMF2 creates files in the Appdata/local/Temp folder, namely a file called "stdrt.exe" and plug-in files with file type ".mfx", which Malwarebytes detected as PUPs.

    What should I do to get these false positives removed?

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