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Posts posted by wkellogg57

  1. frst64.exe

    MD5 = 4d317a9f588e1dc474987eee8605e10f

    SHA-1 = ee85e232f61ceec679810877106e3492c9c32dc4

    I'm going to try adding it as a 2nd drive in another, working system. I spent more time with it last night, building 2 new Win10 boot USB drives. FRST64.exe and FRST.exe will not run in the repair console. Frustrating to say the least. I drive is not that important to me, it is only the challenge to find and cure this issue that's driving me. At this point we are wasting too much time. Any hits when adding it as a second drive?

    I do appreciate your help.

    Thank you.

  2. The only semblence of Repair mode I can get to is by booting off an installation CD. But in a command prompt I cannot run either the 32 or 64 bit FRST file. I get the error: "The subsystem needed to support this image type is not present". I tried, as I have previously, to use the F8 key during boot but my system just will not pop up the boot menu. Using msconfig to boot in Safe Mode, with minimum drivers, etc. is the closest I can get. I have never had success using F8 w/Win10-64bit. Usually booting from CD gets me to a repair command prompt and I am good from there.

    In Safe Mode, using command prompt, the FRST64 file runs but does not find the fixlist.txt file? It says "The fixlist.txt should be in the same folder/directory the tool is located". It's there, I can see it, and I can load the text file from the USB drive to Notepad?

    Please advise.

  3. I downloaded a freeware music converter, with pre-warning and knowledge of how to deselect unwanted add-ons, plugins, etc. Downloaded file is supersetup and I still have it. I believe it's this file that somehow infected me with the 2 files (vsctxhksvc.exe & pshvkoz.exe). I cannot get rid of them and find nothing via Google. Even booting in safe and repair (console) mode. I can delete the files but they come back. Cannot find anything in registry. I use Kaspersky for AV (have full Internet Security version) and they are no help. I believe it's malware and not a virus as it's only affecting my resources and on/off browsing & downloading (AV updates, Malwarebytes downloads, etc.), intermittently disconnecting my internet browsing. No other machine on my home network is affected, nor do they contain these files. The longer the computer stays on the browser (primarily Chrome, but Edge & Firefox are affected), grows to over 90% RAM use. Reboot and I'm fine for about 5 mins. This is all my fault and I can usually clean these things with tools. I cannot believe there is no mention of these files via Google. Any help would be appreciated.

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