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  1. Hi Ron, I wanted to close the loop on this and shared the outcome. I reviewed the information on DISM and honestly it did not feel like the right answer here - a little too aggressive. I wanted to pursue one more path I have available, which was to contact the Microsoft Edge team directly and see if they could figure it out. (Not everyone can do this, but I had the option, so I took it.) They were able to identify the problem, which is documented in https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/platform/issues/13779603/ (I think everyone should be able to see this, if not I'm sorry about that.) In short, the ACLs for the TCP service on my computer were corrupted. I don't fully understand the causes of this problem, it may have been related to malware, but it could also be caused by a problem with roaming profiles and a change that was made to Edge that is exposed when you move between multiple computers running different versions of Windows. Assuming you can see the link above, there is information about the fix and some information about the symptoms that may help you if people report this problem in the future. I was also told that Microsoft is working on a fix for the problem that will be released in an upcoming patch. Thank you for all your help and the effort you put into fixing this issue. Mike
  2. Hi Ron, All the same problems...none of the Microsoft products that require internet are able to connect: Edge, Windows Feedback Hub, Microsoft Mail and not even the VPN. It was fine until I removed a piece of Malware with Malwarebytes, then nothing worked anymore. It's not the internet connection itself (Chrome works for example), but rather just how those specific pieces of software use the internet. I can't see anything from the logs that suggest why removing the malware would cause this, but there you go. Mike
  3. Hi Ron, I have removed Java since I'm not aware of any specific programs I'm using that need it. If it turns out something requires it I'll reinstall the most current version as you suggest. The tasks you identified are all legitimate. This is a home computer, but I use it for work as well. All those items are related to various aspects of ensuring my home computer complies with the requirements for connecting to our corporate network. For the record, I've also tried working with my corporate help desk to resolve this issue but they ran out of ideas and gave up. Even the dogfood AzIPClient is fine - I've confirmed it is signed with a valid certificate from my company. Thanks for your continued effort to help resolve this problem. Mike
  4. Here is the addition file, sorry about that. Also, System Restore did not work. I tried a couple different restore points, they seemed to run but then returned an error claiming that the no files were changed because the restore point couldn't be extracted. Mike Addition1227.txt
  5. Hi Ron, Thanks for taking the time to reply. I've followed the steps and attached the requested files. Note that I've included two files from AdwCleaner, both the scan and clean results. I'm reviewing the FRST logs but would definately appreciate your guidance about what to do with this list. Mike AdwCleanerClean1227.txt FRST1227.txt MalwareScan1227.txt AdwCleanerScan1227.txt
  6. Hello, I used Malwarebytes to scan my computer and remove some apparent adware yesterday. Since then I've had a problem where a subset of programs are not able to access the internet, but others are. For example, Chrome and Internet Explorer connect just fine, but Edge, Microsoft Mail, Windows Feedback Hub all fail when trying to get on the internet. I've been through dozens of "fix the internet after Malwarebytes..." posts and sites and applied multiple fixes to no benefit. DNSClient is running. I've both enabled and disabled Automatic proxy settings. My network is set to Private. (But I've also tried Public.) I've tried both automatic DNS lookup as well as using the Google DNS servers that everyone seems to like. I've reset Edge more than once. I've run multiple adware scanners, none of them are finding anything. Clearly there is something specific about how the Microsoft products are using the internet that is not shared by any other tools, but I've not been able to figure out what it is. Any help is appreciated. I've attached the scan results from the run of Malwarebytes that apparently generated the problem for your enjoyment. Two things were identified: Adware.DNSUnlocker.ACMB2 - multiple registry keys and a task were removed. PUP.Optional.PCBackUp360 - a registry key was removed. Does either of these point in the right direction? Mike MalwareScan.txt
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