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  1. Nope it's gone now! Thanks so much! Everything seems to be working fine. Really appreciate your help Aura!!!
  2. Hi Aura, here's the disk check log. Thanks! 20180113 Winnit Log.txt
  3. Thank you Aura! I ran a disk check yesterday but couldn't find the winnit event in the Event Viewer. Maybe Windows Update interfered with the process. Will run it again tonight and reply you tmr. Thanks a lot for being there!
  4. Hi Aura, Thank you! There's one last thing that I'd like to confirm. When I turn on my PC I frequently see a message that says "scanning and repairing drive", as shown in the photo below. Is this normal or a sign of infection?
  5. Removed successfully! No hao.360 now. Thanks a million Aura! Fixlog.txt
  6. Hi Aura, Thanks. We ran AdwCleaner a few times before and always got the error message below, this time as well. Please find attached a fresh log AdwCleaner[S6].txt
  7. Hi Aura, happy New Year! Sorry for the delay in reply - below are the new scan results. Thanks a lot! Addition.txt FRST.txt
  8. Hi Aura, thanks for your help and happy holidays! Sorry for the delay in reply - I’m travelling and won’t have my computer with me until the 27th. Would it be okay to keep this thread open and I’ll send you the results of the scan when I get home?
  9. Hi Aura, sorry for the late reply! Yes I've followed the steps in the 2nd post of that thread. Then I restarted my computer, but the homepage is still hijacked, and Adwcleaner still can't delete all the files it detects...
  10. Thanks! Please see attached Fixlog. The system looks okay now apart from the chrome home page issue. At some point I only had Chrome open and it was using 78% of my memory (I have an 8GB RAM). But other than that there's no recurring igfxmtc or anything that looks suspicious to me. Hats off to you!! Fixlog.txt
  11. Yes I do use them. One is a messaging app and the other one is a language input app. I uninstalled them when we were trying to figure out what caused Adw to hang, but doing so didn't help. They are not suspicious programs, I've been using them for years.
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