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Posts posted by MBrown90

  1. Ok, I went into the command prompt and after typing in the command I had the message

    "This type of file system is NTSF.

    Cannot lock current drive.

    Windows cannot run disk checking on this volume because it is write protected."

    I remember you mentioning something earlier about it being locked and to input y to let it run anyways, however this just returned a line saying it wasn't an internal/external command that could be recognized.

  2. I am not using Google Sync, not sure if there's anything for me to do there as I'm not logged into any account to disconnect from?  I also ran the cleanup tool and it said there were no programs found.  I'm unfamiliar with what goloader is as well. 


    With the checkdisk, where would I type that into?  I've never done anything with that before and I'm not familiar with it. 

  3. Sorry about the wait, I left for work about 10 minutes after your reply.  I've gone through and done all the steps, only thing was with AdwCleaner it generated a log immediately on completion as well as the one after the reboot.  You only mentioned the post reboot one, but I've attached both just in case.  AdwCleaner[S0] was immediately after the scan and AdwCleaner[C0] was after the reboot.








  4. Microsoft Security Essentials flagged this earlier tonight with its real time protection and I removed it immediately.  After reading about it a little a few posts on here stated that it would keep coming back after a system restart, so after running a scan with MSE I restarted and ran another quick scan with MSE and a threat scan with Malwarebytes.  None of the scans found any signs of infection, however this one seems fairly nasty and I'd really like to make certain it's gone if possible.  I have done nothing since the notification of it being caught apart from running scans, and now making this post.

    I did notice that rootkit scan was turned off with Mbytes after it was finished, is this something I need to turn on and rescan with?  I know it's impossible to give any exact answer, but how much longer would this scan take if the original threat scan was roughly 20 minutes?






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