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Everything posted by MBrown90

  1. Ran delfix and it removed everything just fine. Thank you for all the help.
  2. Ah yep, I had an online class during fall of 2015 and the tests used software to monitor you through the camera/microphone to ensure you weren't cheating. That'd be it.
  3. Alright, here it is. Took quite a bit longer to upload than I was expecting.
  4. It has created the zip however it's over the max file size limit for the boards. 38.8 MB while the limit is 29.3.
  5. Sure, why not. If it’s returned so few results when searching for it it could end up helping someone if it’s not entirely harmless. *edit Ah, beat me to it. I’ll do that in just a sec.
  6. I see. What would it take to upload it? I had never heard of it before and I’ve never had anything come up about it with MSE or MalwareBytes so I suppose it’d be more of a curiosity than anything. But if everything appears clean then I’d be ok with that, thank you for all the help so far.
  7. I haven’t noticed any problems with the computer with regards to how it’s running and I’ve had no notifications of any other infections. Did you see anything at any point that would have said there was something more serious than the few PUPs or whatever go loader may have been?
  8. Just finished up, here's the new FRST/Addition files. FRST.txt Addition.txt
  9. Ok, that seems to be doing it, running through a lot more items/slowly now. Will you want any pics of the results like the others?
  10. Ok, that went through relatively fast. Attached two images with the results.
  11. I actually did so I could make sure I had the message correct, though it's not the best picture.
  12. Ok, I went into the command prompt and after typing in the command I had the message "This type of file system is NTSF. Cannot lock current drive. Windows cannot run disk checking on this volume because it is write protected." I remember you mentioning something earlier about it being locked and to input y to let it run anyways, however this just returned a line saying it wasn't an internal/external command that could be recognized.
  13. Alright, think I understand how to get to it. Going to grab some lunch first, but once I get into it should I also run the "sfc /scannow" command listed in the post or just the disk check since that's what we were going for in the first place?
  14. I have never done that before. Looking at the steps in the first link taking me to create a system repair disk, will doing that put me into the Recovery Console needed for the post in the second link? I got this laptop through college some years back now and don't remember it ever coming with installation discs.
  15. Shut down and let it sit for a little over 5 minutes, nothing else came up once powering back on. I have the CHKDSKResults file however there was nothing inside of it to copy/paste, it's just an empty txt file.
  16. Alright, so I ran the fixlist and it went up through the restart, however I never saw anything with disk check. After signing in following the restart a cmd window appeared instead of going to my desktop, but that was up for maybe 15 seconds or so. Either it was significantly faster than I was expecting or it never ran at all? Fixlog.txt
  17. I'm heading to bed in about 30 minutes so thank you for the heads up about the length on the chkdisk. I'm off tomorrow so I'll be available all day, I can run it tomorrow morning. As for the iTunes, yeah, I haven't really used it in years which is why it's so dated. Could having that potentially cause any problems or was it just a notification of being outdated?
  18. I am not using Google Sync, not sure if there's anything for me to do there as I'm not logged into any account to disconnect from? I also ran the cleanup tool and it said there were no programs found. I'm unfamiliar with what goloader is as well. With the checkdisk, where would I type that into? I've never done anything with that before and I'm not familiar with it.
  19. Sorry about the wait, I left for work about 10 minutes after your reply. I've gone through and done all the steps, only thing was with AdwCleaner it generated a log immediately on completion as well as the one after the reboot. You only mentioned the post reboot one, but I've attached both just in case. AdwCleaner[S0] was immediately after the scan and AdwCleaner[C0] was after the reboot. MBytesSummary.txt AdwCleaner[S0].txt AdwCleaner[C0].txt FRST.txt Addition.txt
  20. Microsoft Security Essentials flagged this earlier tonight with its real time protection and I removed it immediately. After reading about it a little a few posts on here stated that it would keep coming back after a system restart, so after running a scan with MSE I restarted and ran another quick scan with MSE and a threat scan with Malwarebytes. None of the scans found any signs of infection, however this one seems fairly nasty and I'd really like to make certain it's gone if possible. I have done nothing since the notification of it being caught apart from running scans, and now making this post. I did notice that rootkit scan was turned off with Mbytes after it was finished, is this something I need to turn on and rescan with? I know it's impossible to give any exact answer, but how much longer would this scan take if the original threat scan was roughly 20 minutes? Thanks MBytesTextReport.txt Addition.txt FRST.txt
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