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  1. Ran delfix and it removed everything just fine. Thank you for all the help.
  2. Ah yep, I had an online class during fall of 2015 and the tests used software to monitor you through the camera/microphone to ensure you weren't cheating. That'd be it.
  3. Alright, here it is. Took quite a bit longer to upload than I was expecting.
  4. It has created the zip however it's over the max file size limit for the boards. 38.8 MB while the limit is 29.3.
  5. Sure, why not. If it’s returned so few results when searching for it it could end up helping someone if it’s not entirely harmless. *edit Ah, beat me to it. I’ll do that in just a sec.
  6. I see. What would it take to upload it? I had never heard of it before and I’ve never had anything come up about it with MSE or MalwareBytes so I suppose it’d be more of a curiosity than anything. But if everything appears clean then I’d be ok with that, thank you for all the help so far.
  7. I haven’t noticed any problems with the computer with regards to how it’s running and I’ve had no notifications of any other infections. Did you see anything at any point that would have said there was something more serious than the few PUPs or whatever go loader may have been?
  8. Just finished up, here's the new FRST/Addition files. FRST.txt Addition.txt
  9. Ok, that seems to be doing it, running through a lot more items/slowly now. Will you want any pics of the results like the others?
  10. Ok, that went through relatively fast. Attached two images with the results.
  11. I actually did so I could make sure I had the message correct, though it's not the best picture.
  12. Ok, I went into the command prompt and after typing in the command I had the message "This type of file system is NTSF. Cannot lock current drive. Windows cannot run disk checking on this volume because it is write protected." I remember you mentioning something earlier about it being locked and to input y to let it run anyways, however this just returned a line saying it wasn't an internal/external command that could be recognized.
  13. Alright, think I understand how to get to it. Going to grab some lunch first, but once I get into it should I also run the "sfc /scannow" command listed in the post or just the disk check since that's what we were going for in the first place?
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