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Posts posted by Starlite

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  2. Hi Aura, 

    The audit.exe just show up at booting the computer. It is in the system32/audit.exe folder. I can close it in task manager once I manage to go online. If I close it before that step it restarts my computer. I saw several recent examples of on the support site as Trojans. I also downloaded ccleaner and Spyhunter on Friday or Saturday to clear some old files. I saw the story the news story on CCleaner. I also saw a story on the System32 Trojan. 

    What do I need to do?

  3. I did not write the name down it began with a rdu or rjd. 

    I used the system recovery option F10. Chose the save files option. Then let it do whatever it need to do. It failed and gave an error message. I then tried to reinstall windows 10 by downloading it directly from Microsoft and reinstalling it.  The virus would not allow it to complete.  

    I used Microsoft Windows Cleaning tool it did not work because the virus will not let it open. 

    All my files and documents are gone. I still have some programs associated with them when I open the x86 folder. 

    Nothing happens when I try to open the programs. I can only right click and open as an administrator.  The programs that will work were there. 

    I am a contractor and cannot work  or get my next job without my computer. I need urgent help,   

  4. Hi Aura, 

    Symptoms: As of two days ago, I was locked out of my computer. It would not let me login under my account or the administrator account. I researched followed advice ran spyware malware programs the whole day. The next morning, yesterday, the computer had a different promising t and account. I cannot access any programs or files including wifi. It would not allow a windows reinstall, recovery fix, windows cleaner is blocked. I can access the internet by using Ethernet and an Amazon app that had appeared.  It is only accessing Windows/System32 folders. I cannot use the windows tab key and for most of yesterday the pc would have audit.exe appear. I kept closing it in the task menu. Today it did not reappear in the task manager. The virus has renamed my computer. Only the administrator account was available until today. I can see a public account but not my original. I had something similar happen at work years ago.

    There is a lot going on. But none of what I need.


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