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  1. I tried that ... the hub worked once but not the second time. I will think about this and try again. But it is no longer an MB problem so you can close the problem. thanks for the help! Raymond
  2. It looks like one set of USB ports is not fully functional. It will read only 1 port out of two. It will not function with a hub. As long as I am -not- using that set of USB ports MB works fine. If I try to use them MB scan locks up on rootkits or memory objects EVERY TIME My last try might be to update drivers and see if that changes anything. Or I can just use the 2 usb ports that are still functional. Either way I think you can close the issue since it seems hardware related. Thanks Again for all your help. Raymond
  3. Ron Testing last couple days and I found a bad USB port - which I was using. To recover the laptop I had to unplug everything so MB worked that whole time. When I plugged the USB (hub, keyboard, mouse, hdd) in MB started failing again. Unplug the device and MB would work again. Apparently this was the problem - possibly with Norton too. Webroot seems OK. I ordered a new hub from Amazon for safety's sake and I will be testing on Thu. I will update you then Ray
  4. Ron The problem came back BUT i think I figured it out. Norton had a problem (3093,1) which instructed me to reboot if that did not work remove and re-install Norton. Rebooted. Seemed to work and about 30 min later another Norton error. Rebooted again. Seemed to work but later another Norton error. during this time I did not try MB. Dowloaded/installed win7 updates Realized the next morning that the sequence of events was exactly what happened on 8/3 8/3 error 8505,101 9/1 error 3039,1 (3 times) 9/2 error 3035,2 on 9/2 MB locked up after doing a rootkit scan Removed Norton Installed Webroot Anywhere MB worked fine. Rootkits OK. Continued to rebuild Win 7 Will watch this. If finishs ok will keep Webroot. If not ..... will probably wipe and get rid of laptop have run about 15 scans with Webroot, both manual and scheduled only 1 has locked up the pc will keep testing
  5. Ron It was worth it . MB 3.2.2 worked as expected (free version). Norton came with the recovery, so I installed MB and it ran fine. Rootkits and all. I am going to run more tests after windows update finishes the sp1 install. Then there is the 100 updates after that. Will keep you posted.
  6. Ron The attempt to use the 3/18 backup has failed. MB322 acts the same (rootkits scan locks if it is run) Here are the steps I followed deactivate restore 3/l18 boot blue screen windows update was rimmomg boot scan with MB 3.0.6 [level om 3/18] locks up on rootkits poweroff re-boot let windows update finish re-boot run MB-clean [because of the lockup] re-boot install MB 3.2.2 update MB run scan [rootkits OFF] find and quarantine 5 trojan.BHO.generic registry keys run a second scan [rootkits OFF] scan successful turn rootkits ON run scan scan locks up on memory objects poweroff reboot mb did not start reboot MB starts & says that scan has never been run scan with rootkits OFF / self-prot ON scan successful So you can see I am right back where I started MB 3.2.2 locks up if rootkits scan is ON the lockup either occurs in Rootkits Scan or Memory Objects this is the same thing that happens to laptop before 3/18 restore updated Norton did another backup I think I am going to restore "current" laptop contents from 8/27 and run with rootkits OFF I might do a full machine recovery from the laptop recovery pattition but that is going to take some prep on my part. If you have any suggesstions/ideas please respond.. and THANKS for all your help Ray
  7. I assume when you say uninstall Malwarebytes and reboot and install latest version you want me to use MB-clean for the uninstall. Is that correct?
  8. thanks for the reply .... did a new -current- backup last night using Macrium would not have thought to deactivate MB before restore ... thanks this might take a couple days ... I am going to backup all computers (3) just in case of another ransomware attack My wife's computer is not available to me right now. Will keep you posted
  9. well two bad things in one day the backup is from march 18 2017 the ransomware logs are gone but I can restore from 8/6/2017 and get the ransomware logs - or not - your call I can try to update mb3.0.0 on 8/6 to MB3.2.2 and see if anything better I can go back to March backup and try to update Norton and MB Or just run without rootkits turn ON What do you thiink?
  10. Ron all these problems started happening after the ransomeware attack on 8/3. I did not open a problem since MB said it had blocked the attack. Prior to the attack the MB product (3.0.0) worked correctly. I have a backup prior to 8/3. Would it make sense to restore the backup / update Norton / update MB and see if things start working correctly. Alternatively I coud just leave Rootkits OFF and run that way. I could run rootkits from TrendMicro and see how long that takes. ALSO In reinstalling Norton I ran per instructions NPE (Norton Power Eraser) that indicated I should get rid of 3 files 1. nis.ese 2. symerr.exe 3. patch.js I can restore any of these if you think it would help. BTW I ran all the HP diags except disk test ... everything PASSED AND I can attached the ransomware logs from 8/3 if you wish (2 logs)
  11. MB scan memory objects had only reached 500 by 8:00am this morning powered down machine Booted Ran MB scan with Rootkits OFF / self protection ON - scan ran 8 minutes - saved MBcheck[off_on].ziip Rebooted Ran MB scan with Rootkits OFF / self protection OFF - scan ran 8 minutes - saved MBcheck[off_off].zip Downloaded memtest . burned ISO to CD . ran Memtest -- PASSED - NO ERRORS attaching 082417-4007 dump MBcheck files attached too currently running HP diagnostics [memory test] 082417-44007-01.dmp mb-check-results[off_off].zip mb-check-results[off_on].zip
  12. OK I will go to memtest tomorrow. I am going to let the scan run overnight and see if it ends we are at 9.5 hours with 300 memory objects scanned ... no threats
  13. It is not rootkits incrementing it is Memory Objects. at 1.5 hrs the count is 57 Will continue to let it run.
  14. its been 50 minutes Memory objects still incrementing. Will leave scan run for now. Post back later.
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