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Posts posted by MalwareKing

  1. 29 minutes ago, dcollins said:

    Yep, I used the same threat with the same keys/files. I was able to replicate your issue so that should help us fix it in the future.

    Okay soo

    I do what you are suggesting and the problem should go away right? 

    So to be perfectly clear here

    1. I run thread scan with Malware-bytes

    2. I get these 13 threads with the 4 registry keys and 2 values as i show in my picture above 

    3. I press "Quarantine selected"

    4. Malware-bytes restart's my PC 

    5. I get into a temporary profile 

    6. I restart my PC again 

    7. My PC is working fine now

    That's all i have to do right?


    What happens if i reboot my machine again and i cant get into my normal profile

    and am stuck with the temporary profile what then?

  2. 28 minutes ago, dcollins said:

    @MalwareKing there should be no issues removing those files/registry entries. I just tested this on my personal machine to verify. However, as I mentioned above, we have been seeing reports of people having issues with being logged in to a temporary profile after removing some identified threats. What I would recommend is to remove those threats and then reboot. Once you reboot, if you get logged into a temporary profile, try rebooting once more and see if you can log in to your normal user.


    This is exactly what happened to me 

    I quarantined all the PUP's and when i restarted my PC it got me into a temporary profile 

    and then i restored everything and my PC was fine again 

    You say now if i delete all of them and restart my pc i should get a temporary profile and the restart it again and it will be fine 


    Have you also tested the exact same files and registry keys i am presenting

  3. 10 minutes ago, Telos said:

    If you like IOBIT, mark them "ignore", or de-select PUPs from your scanning profile. Alternately, uninstall IOBIT separately and rerun the scan. If there are still remnants, I would suggest making a full drive image before allowing MBAM to remove these.


    what i want is 

    What can i delete from the list above that wont destroy my pc again 




    Can i delete the registry keys or Advanced system care?

  4. 4 hours ago, Magman said:

    Me too. I support about 20 people with I.T. issues; and all with this combination of Advance System Care and Malwarebytes. They have existed together quite happily together for years. Now I am having to go on all these machines and sort them out.


    Get a grip Malwarebytes or at least explain what has changed.




    Wait soo you had the same issue two??

    Sooo do you know what do i do 


    I uninstalled Iobit advanced system care cuz i don't need it but what the heck do i do with this issues are they posing a thread to my computer 

    or is it Malware-bytes fault?

  5. Hey Malware-bytes 

    And everyone on the forum 


    I just scanned my pc today and by surprise i found that i had 13 PUP's on my system and my system is SUPER clean 

    I never had anything show up before and am using malware-bytes for 3-4 years now 


    So i see the threads i press "Quarantine selected" i wait and then i get a msg saying i need to restart my computer 

    i press YES and then when i go to put in my password and log in and i see the loading screen saying 

    Windows is creating your profile or something like that and my pc was like i installed windows 5 min ago 

    and i was like "WTF is going on here" 


    So i went back and RESTORED everything and thankfully everything is working as it was now 


    But my Question to you guys and to Malware-bytes is 


    Why did this happened ?


    Here is a screenshot below of the selected PUP's 


    i want to point out that this is the FIRST TIME EVER since using Malware bytes that had something like this happen to me


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