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Posts posted by MCharlie

  1. On 1/31/2017 at 3:55 PM, Aura said:

    Even back in Malwarebytes 2.x, this was a normal behavior. I just checked and it seems that you can't disable notifications for the real-time protection layers in the settings (just adjust the time for which it is displayed, and it's between 3 and 15 seconds). I know this has been suggested many, many times in the past for a future Malwarebytes version though (when 3.0 wasn't even announced).

    Bull-pucky!  Until 3.0,  I have ***NEVER, EVER*** seen the protection nag in all the time I have run MalwareBytes Premium, and that has been, hmmmm...5 - 8 years?


    BTW, the reason I want the protections gone or disabled:  If I enable all the protections, my core i7 system is brought to its knees, speed wise.   And I even run an SSD as my boot drive!  Norton did this when they went to a full protection option,  and they denied it was true for years..even though there were 100's, nee, thousands, of complaints, internet wide, stating otherwise.  My server/workstation is my business, when I go to a web site, or bring up mail, i want my access to be instant, or as close to it as possible.  With all your protections in place, a 5-15 second wait for access, was not uncommon.   Absolutely unacceptable!


    So yes, give us the option of turning off the nag or opting out of the bloatware (to me).



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