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  1. As the title implies Web-Protection won't turn on and I get an unable to contact license server error. Also I experienced a system crash this morning which seems to have been caused by the malwarebytes software, or that is what I've understood from the other forum posts. Please help...
  2. Sorry for the late reply. I wanted to wait and see if the application was working properly before I wrote a response. So far there haven't been any issues, looks like a fresh install may have solved the problem. Thanks for your help.
  3. Here are the log files. Thanks. FRST.txt Addition.txt mb-check-results.zip
  4. Since the last update a strange thing has been happening with my copy of malwarebytes. Whenever I turn on my pc the malwarebytes program won't launch. It's also missing from the system tray, however it is present in task manager. I tried stopping the program from the task manager window and then starting the program again but it still wouldn't open. However it launches normally if I restart my pc. It is present in the system tray and it opens when I click it. From what I've noticed so far, the malwarebytes window does not open the first time I turn on my pc but it launches normally if I restart the pc. At first I thought it was a one time occurrence but I've been noticing this strange behavior for the last two days or so.
  5. So far there doesn't seem to be any problems. I guess only time will tell for now.
  6. I have done a complete reset of my pc and have finished installing all my software, drivers, etc. Here is the latest threat scan report from malwarebytes as you requested. MalwareBytes Report.txt
  7. Please hear me out...Powershell is trying to connect to openyes.info though luckily it was stopped by MalwareBytes. The threat scan isn't finding any malware though. I've attached the reports for openyes and the malwarebytes scan report as well. I haven't yet fixed the problem with the corrupted user profile, I will do that this Friday by doing a factory reset of my computer as I still need to use my computer till Friday for school-work. The issue with powershell however is still very concerning. Will it be resolved with the factory reset or are there any steps that I should take now? I am really sorry for bothering you so much like this as I know you are helping out tons of people at once. Thank you for bearing with me. MalwareBytes Report.txt Openyes report2.txt Openyes report3.txt
  8. Looks like my user profile is corrupted after all. I tried the methods listed in the links except for completely resetting windows and none of them worked. When I tried making a second user profile, everything worked normally in that one(the search bar, edge, etc). Do you think doing a factory reset on my windows would be viable? As in would it fix my corrupted files and also remove whatever malware I might have? If there are any that is.
  9. Now the search bar isn't showing any results, microsoft edge isn't working and neither is the windows store.
  10. I have attached the logs. No threats were found when I used Sophos. Although windows defender alerted me of a trojan called soctuseer during the scan using Sophos. JRT.txt ADW.txt Addition_17-01-2017 17.53.09.txt FRST_17-01-2017 17.53.09.txt
  11. Here is the Event Log you requested. I hope I did it right. I've also attached a report from Malwarebytes where it shows that powershell tried to access a website called openyes.info last night which is quite honestly very concerning. CHKDSKResults.txt openyes report.txt
  12. Just an update, I suddenly got a notification from malwarebytes that it blocked a access to a website called openyes. The location seems to be from the system folder in my c drive. So far I wasn't having any problems but now I'm sure that there is some malware in my computer which keeps downloading these applications to bring in even more malware. Should I redo the 3 logs and attach them here again?
  13. Here are the logs you requested. I feel like I should include some backstory to the issue. I have been running various malware removal software and tools for the last 2 days with the most recent being rougekiller. Generally after everything is done I'd run malwarebytes again and find that no malware has been detected. However after some time I would keep getting the notification of a website being blocked and it would be continuous. Sometimes every minute even. I would then repeat the process of removing the malware only for the whole thing to repeat itself. I even found some applications and folders in various places in my c drive such as opjtics and anonymizergadget which I later deleted though I have noticed some of them reappearing in other folders. After I used rougekiller I haven't been getting the notification for website blocked, however I did find some suspicious folder which I deleted. To be honest I don't know if there are any more such folders left. Last thing, most of the time when I run rougekiller I would get PUP.dns in the scans and more trojans. P.s sorry for the long post but I hope this helps in your process. I'm pretty sure that there is some program or trojan or something which is constantly downloading these malware onto my computer. Addition_16-01-2017 20.36.48.txt FRST_16-01-2017 20.36.48.txt CheckResults.txt
  14. Yes but the problem is that I can't get it to stop. I'm pretty sure that there's malware involved but I can't seem to properly locate and remove it no matter what I try.
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