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Posts posted by SteveMac555

  1. On 22/02/2017 at 6:30 PM, djacobson said:

    Mutual whitelisting is always recommended, this is not really a workaround, this is a best practice when running more than one real time protection product.

    You can edit this list to be one whole thing you can paste in, just separate each location with a ; character. There is no patch, Microsoft's official stance is that only their product should be used and that they do not support more than one real time protection engine to be ran at any given time.

    This particular ignore list applies to MSE and SCEP, not Trend. I am not aware of any conflicts with Trend at this time. Since your Trend disables MSE, I don't think the issue covered in this thread is truly applicable to your situation, I would encourage you to open a support ticket with the business team at corporate-support@malwarebytes.com and have us review a system with you one on one to identify the cause of your login problems.

    Could you please explain what the problem is between the two products? Is it not possible to fix this issue with a software update?

    My worry is if we add those 78 exceptions to SCEP/MSE what's stopping people renaming ransomware.exe to mbam.exe on PCs without MB and placing it in that path which is excluded from the AV?


  2. Hello,

    We have around 200 licenses and installed on roughly 151 machines (Managed Client & Anti-Exploit). We have roughly 5 (that we know of) that lock up every single day, multiple times. We have the Microsoft Security client paths in the "Ignore List" in the management console, as well as the listed paths in the first post for SCEP. I can confirm the machines both have these exclusions when locking up.

    We have also tried the delayed start and unticking random "Scan etc. etc." boxes in the policy to try and fix it. I discovered by accident that "Ending Process" on the MBAM executable in task manager instantly locks the machine and becomes unusable.

    None of the machines we have recover from the lock-up. They need to be hard-reset and they then seem to work for a while. We have had reports of people 'Switching User' in windows and having the lockup but we haven't seen this ourselves.

    On the most affected PCs we have had to remove MalwareBytes Managed Client as they were becoming unusable. 

    I understand it's a wide spread problem and no one is really to blame; but people are not impressed here as we're a new MB customer and have just started rolling it out to all employee PCs.


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