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Posts posted by FeranToc

  1. RID905:

    I believe I am having the same issue as you are right now. After updating to 2.1.8 I was pushed into the "Free" version.


    I found my Key and tried to reenter it and my ID and both were rejested


    I did not have an older install on hand so I decided to try and do a fresh install of 2.1.8. My key and ID were rejected as invalid. As a Premium Licience holder I have Malewarebytes installed on two of my computers. I checked the 2nd one and after the update was still on Premium.


    (Below happened as I'm typing this post)


    I deactivated and tried to reactivate the 1st Computer. This failed so I reactivated the 2nd Computer. It won't let me reacivate, saying "You must be connected to the internet to activate your Malewarebytes Anti-Maleware Premium License"


    I tried to reactivate the 1st computer and recieved the same message. My 1st Computer is physically connected to me cable modem. I checked my connection by loading new webpages and refreshing webpages I as currently on. Everything came up normal with normal delays.


    Afrer waiting a few more minutes I tried reactivating and I was able to. I was also able to reactivate the 2nd Computer as well.


    So I'm left scratching my head since the issue resolved itself through the magic of technology.

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