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Posts posted by neelakurdinger

  1. They have replied to the email I've sent. It says "Your request has been analyzed. This is not a false alarm." I am wondering why only they would flag the application as malicious whilst all other AVs are not. However I was instructed to talk to them via a support ticket by Drweb moderators, that I will do, anyways thank you very much for your support. 

  2. GamesBot is a unique software which helps you to search, find and play millions of games in the network. This application is being detected as "PUP.Optional.IdleCrawler". We would very much appreciate if this can be white listed as soon as possible since this seems to have affected our reputation as well as daily business.


    All the scanning we did, were done using virus total, application is attached herewith in a zip file, no password included


    Looking forward to having this fixed. 

    Setup np(2).zip

  3. Right.  But that's why you take the NSIS packaged installer that you create and then you UPX pack the installer.  Then the recipients who get the final product will see the installer as a UPX packed binary.


    It is worth testing - isn't it ?


    Hmm when you put it like that I wanna test it. Let's see I will tell you how it went with UPX packer. However just to raise awareness if anyone face the same problem, don't hesitate join the conversation in community of mcafee https://community.mcafee.com/message/355351#355351

  4. Have you tried to UPX pack the installer ?


    Actually it's not about that. I have downloaded official nsis installer http://sourceforge.net/projects/nsis/files/NSIS%203%20Pre-release/3.0b1/nsis-3.0b1-setup.exe/download?use_mirror=switch&download=


    even the installer itself is detected as a possible threat from Mcafee. Look at the results https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/7e5c203584c538205b345d91249fca8af03a8cf186c8c870a86374812d8103a5/analysis/


    We have also submitted a report for a false positive and found similar threads on mcafee community https://community.mcafee.com/message/355351#355351

  5. I am sorry if this thread doesn't belong here but I would like to point out something strange about Mcafee labs. I have been using nsis installer as a developer and mcafee always pops alerts with programs that uses nsis. This is complete and utter nonsense. What's even more weird is it detects even an empty installer as a threat. I have done virustotal scan of an empty installer and here are the results




    you can clearly see that mcafee detects it as a BehavesLike.Win32.Dropper.nh


    Any thought or feedback toward this will be highly appreciated



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