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  1. This is what it gave me. checkup.txt
  2. It will not let me copy and paste the results of the checkup. I can copy them but it will not let me paste it in the reply box no matter which way I try to paste it.
  3. Here they are. Addition.txt FRST.txt
  4. It is running pretty slow and my 3ds max software won't work.
  5. Okay.. well I didn't delete everything. I left my computer when I went to my brothers house. It doesn't show the scan results but it has a lot of things in the virus or quarantine chest.
  6. The scan ended up getting stopped because we lost power so I had to rescan it again and it just finished sometime last night. You want me to fix all threats?
  7. I let Avast scan overnight and its still not halfway done. Is it supposed to take this long?
  8. Here is the log, I am restarting to see if the ComboFix will run. log.txt
  9. Okay I ran the threat scan and quarantined all that was found.
  10. For some reason Malwarebytes won't load when I click on it.
  11. Here are these logs. AdwCleanerS0.txt JRT.txt
  12. This is the first log from AdwCleaner.. I'm not sure what to save or what I clean. AdwCleanerR0.txt
  13. Sorry that it took so long to respond. RKreport_SCN_09252014_110817.log
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