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Posts posted by cpatrick1

  1. At my workplace, we have MBAM installed on a couple dozen PC's in the office domain. For the past few days, many of them have been receiving notification balloons regarding outbound traffic being blocked, several times throughout the day. Advanced MBAM scans with all scan options enabled show no other issues, and neither does MSE. 


    After looking through these forums, it appears I'm not the only person having this issue recently.


    Any suggestions? I'm not sure how helpful it would be to post the logs of 20+ workstations.

  2. MBAM scans have been attempted on the host machine and with the hard drive slaved in a technician workstation. We've used both 1.75x and latest 2.x MBAM versions(corporate/premium), attempting all types of scans. The scans will run as expected for a time, but "scanned objects" will stop counting at random points during the "filesystem objects" scan. MBAM does not freeze, it just doesn't count any further for extended periods of time (over an hour). If the scan is cancelled or paused, the program keeps scanning indefinitely and the only way to stop the program is a system reboot. Chameleon seems to run fine without any detections.


    The end user for this system had noted it was running slow. HD has passed multiple diagnostic tests. The end user has had issues with infections in the past, so I'm leaning towards that being the cause. Any help would be appreciated.

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