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Posts posted by jds145

  1. Hello.  I recently downloaded Malawarebytes on an HP laptop running Windows Vista Home Premium.  After my first scan, I shut down the computer.  When I tried to restart the computer, I was unable to do so.  The computer appeared to hang on boot.  Moreover, the display is blank.  It appears there is no signal to the display, and it simply does nothing when I turn the computer on.  I tried to connect to an external display, but the external display similarly did not detect any input from the computer.


    As this problem arose only after I installed and ran Malawarebytes, I suspect the initial scan deleted a critical registry key or other file necessary to activate the display and boot the computer.  Obviously, I cannot see anything on the screen, so I do not know if there is any error code.  


    Please help me resolve this issue.  Note I cannot perform any tasks that require a working display.  Thank you.

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