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Posts posted by WindowsXP


    Hello everyone! I want to personally thank you all for the wonderful feedback we've received after the launch of 2.0 last Monday. We've heard you loud and clear regarding the UI and have been working as quickly as possible to fix some of the more obvious issues.
    Here's what we've done --
    You said: the notifications are too big
    We've changed the notification size to be significantly smaller.
    You said: there are too many notifications
    If the UI is in focus, you will no longer be getting tray notifications except for malware detections.
    You said: installing the product for the first time and getting multiple red notifications scares users
    We agree! On first launch, the database will be auto-updated and users will no longer be bombarded by red notifications, this was never our intent!
    You said: the dashboard screaming red aggressive colors all of the time is annoying and not helpful and can even scare users
    We've changed the color of most of the notifications from red to orange and changed both red and orange to look less aggressive.
    You can read the full change log here or in the installer as we've fixed some minor issues as well.
    To get the update, please download it from our website, or if you're already running 2.0, just check for updates. Starting Monday, we will start slowly migrating 1.75 users to 2.0; this is currently disabled. If you do not wish to participate, please make sure you've disabled the program updates on the Update Settings tab in 1.75.
    I realize this is not the entire scope of changes you expect. We have a ton of work to do beyond this, but we wanted to respond quickly to change what some users have termed "rogue behavior."
    I would greatly appreciate your comments. I also want to let you know that we're working on allow users to disable the new product module we put on the dashboard, rework the entire notification system, and more.
    Edit: In about 2-3 weeks we're going to release yet another patch that will fix about ~30 bugs that have been reported or we've discovered. We wanted to make sure the UI issues were addressed first since we had some really great feedback from everyone.


    Yeh, theres a lot of bugs.. espically for windows 7, it works well on windows xp, in fact, heres a pic...

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