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  1. Please see three attached logs. JRTfile.txt RKreport0_S_12082013_101409.txt AdwCleanerS0.txt
  2. I ran JRT and have the txt file bit can't get online to post it (currently typing on phone) will try to post tomorrow. When I tried running the next one I got those error: "AdwCleaner.exe is not a valid Win32 application."
  3. Hi Borislav, thanks for you response. I tried doing step 1 to uninstall these and got this error: "The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance." ???
  4. Last week I downloaded a video editing software that completely messed up my laptop (I know...). I can't connect to the internet and for some reason it reverted back to "old-school" Windows with the gray bar and square start button. The screen looks all stretched out and it doesn't start up without freezing. Second mistake was not keeping my antivirus software updated. I downloaded malwarebytes on a flash drive and started my computer in Safe Mode to run it. The first message I got was "The database is outdated by 244 days. Would you like to update now?" and I clicked yes. Then I got this error: "An error has occurred. Please report this issue to our support team (include the ocntent of all error message(s) and code(s) in your submission). PROGRAM_ERROR_UPDATING (0, 0, No address found)" I ran the full scan and it detected 2 things so I deleted them and tried restarting my computer. It got stuck halfway through the restart so I shut it off and restarted in Safe Mode again. I tried running Malwarebytes again and it's coming up clean, but the screen still looks off and I cannot connect to the internet (using second computer now). I saw the instructions on the first page and followed them to the best of my ability - please see the two attached documents. Any help would be greatly appreciated! DDS.txt Attach.txt
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