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Posts posted by therealjoshuad

  1. We use the MSI as part of our task sequence in SCCM and it works beautifully.


    To OP: Create a Package with the Client Setup MSI in the source location, and create a program with the following install command: msiexec /i "clientSetup.msi" /qn and add it in the state restore phase when you install all of your other applications. 


    The MSI can be generated in the MalwareBytes Management console by going to the Policy Tab. Select a policy to generate the msi from, and at the bottom of the Console, click the Installation Package button. Fill in the save directory, and what group to put the client that uses the package in, and then select the Create a MSI file option.


    Feel free to ping me if you're having trouble creating the package @therealjoshuad

  2. I've had a similar issue. It could be due to a few things. The short of it, is to uninstall the client from the local computer, and push it out via the Management Console again.


    In my case, it was that the "Managed Client Version" was older than the "Client Version". 


    The managed client version is the component that talks to the MEE server. So while the client (The user application), can be up to date, the Managed Client Version can be out of date. As of now, it looks like the current version is, you can verify that particular computer's managed client version in the console, by enabling the "Managed Client Version" column in the console client view. You can add and remove columns in the Client view by right clicking one of the columns, and click customize columns.

    • Microsoft Active Directory integration, capable of querying AD to import admin users, computers, groups, and organizational units" (How can I only scan the built in "Computers" in AD (It's technically not an OU and doesn't show up in the tree in MEE)

    • Expedited deployment of Malwarebytes managed clients based on membership in Active Directory groups (Couldn't find this feature)

    Set a Domain Query Account to synchronize Active Directory changes (Could not find this feature)

    Automatic configuration of managed client polling intervals based on the number of clients (I did not see this in the documentation)

    Policy option added which allows managed clients to download signatures directly from the internet (Will the version still be able to be tracked and updated if needed via the management console?)

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